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Let’s Write a Story Together

By November 12, 2010May 13th, 2011Culture, Encouragement, Innovation

This story is closed, but you can read our finished story HERE.

My family used to play this game on long car rides. I’ve tried it on my Facebook page. I thought I’d try it here on my blog. Let’s write a masterpiece story together for this week’s Friday discussion.

Here’s how this works:

1. I’m giving you the first sentence.
2. You can add one sentence at a time to the story…one sentence per comment…no more…
Is that clear enough?…one sentence
3. Each new person can add one sentence to the story. You can take the story any direction, but try to write a sentence that doesn’t close out the story…that invites someone to come behind you and continue the story.
4. Please don’t try to write one long sentence that really is a paragraph. The fun is getting the different inputs and imagination to work together.
5. After someone else adds a sentence, or if it has been a while since someone has commented, you can keep the story going by adding another sentence. IIf you haven’t figured out by now, you’ll need to read through the existing comments to understand where the story has gone.)
6. PLEASE, leave the sentence here on the blog as a comment, not on Facebook or as a Tweet. Not everyone gets to read it that way and I will not use those sentences in the final story.
7. I will not be able to use crude or vulgar comments. (I realize that will limit some of you from participating, but…)
8. I’m giving up to a week to keep the process going. When it appears the story is concluding, I’ll wrap it up and post all the comments/the story in a single blog post. (If it got really long I may make it two posts.)
9. If you want me to add a link to you/and or your name in the credits of the post, make sure I have that at the end of your sentence. I will share all names I can decipher, so if you don’t want your name in the credits let me know.
10. Have fun and be creative.

Here’s the first sentence:

“Carolyn knew not to question the timing, but she had never experienced anything like this before now.”

Now go! Add a comment with the next line.

Help spread the fun by Tweeting this post.

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Ron Edmondson

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She was anxious that someone so important was interested in her opinion.
That she did not know what to say!!
Here she was, in a place that was both exciting and terrifying.

Tweets that mention Let’s Write a Story Together @ Ron Edmondson --

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ron Edmondson and El LaGrew, Holly Reynolds. Holly Reynolds said: Let's Write a Story Together via @ronedmondson [...]
And she could not have felt more exhilarated!
The CEO, Mr. Jenkins, had asked to see her first thing this morning.
Her mind raced as she replayed all of her hard work over the last month.
But knowing about the events last week at the company HQ her pulse quickened.
She tried to maintain her composure so as to appear neither excited nor nervous.
"Carolyn, the demand generated for your new book has been off the charts!" he exclaimed.
Her ADD was kicking in, this was important, she MUST STAY FOCUSED!
See Carolyn had a history with deodorant.
She sat down, still confused and jittery. Mr. Jenkins announced, "You'll be happy to know you've won employee of the year, and you won't believe what the prize is!"
And then the hardest question of all:" Did I even remember to put on my deoderant this morning?"
However, since she is hardcore ADD, the thought faded as quickly as it came.
As she contemplated her deodorant her mind took her back to the place she most hated.
Even though she should be enjoying this success, she felt like she was sitting in her high school principal's office again.
Her mind wandered back to her hometown of Tribune, Kansas where Mr. Shaeffer had often had to dish out discipline to her and her friend Charlene. Where was Charlene now?
Was she still alive...."What was that Mr. Jenkins?"

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