Tweet When the leader doesn’t communicate it creates havoc on the team. I remember talking with a staff member of a large church. She consistently feared the stability of her…
Tweet When the leader doesn’t communicate it creates havoc on the team. I remember talking with a staff member of a large church. She consistently feared the stability of her…
Tweet One of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen leaders make is forgetting everyone doesn’t think like the leader. To lead well, I need to hear from different people. I have…
Tweet One of the goals of a leader should be to encourage, strengthen and challenge a team to continually improve. Almost as a cheerleader rousing the crowd at a game,…
Tweet Clarity is often king in organizational dynamics. Words do matter and clear communication is vital for healthy teams. As hard as it is for me to zero in on…
Tweet I have a simple leadership principle. Don’t address HOW you are going to do something until you decide WHAT you are going to do. Or if you’re even going…
Obviously, when you address the principle of letting go, which could also be called delegation, it opens a huge question for those wired as completers. The question is: HOW? How do you let go of responsibility when you are wired so heavily towards not doing so?
I try to always be strategic in leadership. All leadership involves change and I have learned there are some times when leaders must strategically introduce change.
Tweet Time is one of the greatest assets of any leader. In my experience, every leader has three critical segments where they must invest their time on a regular basis….
Tweet I’ve never been a proponent of the saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Sometimes you need a change and nothing is “broken”. It just isn’t as good…
Tweet Healthy organizations maintain an unchanging vision that they sustain long-term. One way they do so is with a willingness to change their organizational structure as needed. If the structure…