Tweet A leader’s most effective tool may be prayer. For the Christian leader, especially, prayer should be critical to how we lead. I’m 54 and I’ve not mastered this yet…
Tweet In my talks with pastors and ministry leaders, I have heard some repeated themes. One common theme is they have a story of a failed leadership experience. It may…
Tweet 3 Reasons Your Policies Might be Wasting Your Volunteers Daniel serves in the parking area at one of our church campuses. We intentionally put him in the parking lot…
Yesterday I began some thoughts about the term team idleness. To understand the term fully read that post HERE.
What causes team idleness? What causes a team to stagnate and fail to move forward towards reaching its goals and objectives? Here are a few of my thoughts:
Tweet Are the routines and details of your life getting you down? Is the direction of your life not turning out as you planned? Are you stressing so much about…
After a recent staff meeting, I was thinking about what makes our team at Grace Community Church healthy. I’ve written about healthy teams before HERE and HERE among other posts. I think healthy teams are intentionally created, so I’m consistently trying to make our environment better. My current thoughts have led me to believe that in our case, it’s as much about what we don’t have on our team as what we do have.
I think our team works well together because we get along well with each other. (Most of the time.) It may have to do with what we check at the door when we spend time together.
Here are 7 things healthy teams check at the door:
Tweet What’s the right structure for our church? I’ve received that question by email, at conferences, and from pastors I have met. They want to know how to grow their…
Over the last 20 years, I have served on dozens of non-profit boards at the state and local level. I have worked with nationally know organizations, such as Boys Scouts, Red Cross, United Way, and YMCA and numerous other local non-profit ministries and service organizations. I strongly believe in community service and realize the value of non-profits in community development. It could easily be said that the success of any non-profit is directly related to the strength of its board.
What fosters an attitude of team spirit in an organization? Here are few thoughts.
Tweet This is one of those posts I hope someone learns something, which can help them in life. I hope that for all of my posts – otherwise why am…