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5 Tips for the Leader When Conflict Develops on a Team

By Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Team Leadership

As a leader, one of your primary roles is developing and maintaining the health of the team. What do you do when team members aren’t getting along with each other?  How should you handle conflict on a team?

I previously wrote “10 Tips for Handling Conflict“, which is directed primarily at team members individually working together to address conflict. What happens when conflict escalates to the point where a leader’s input is needed?

Here are 5 suggestions:

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Balancing the “Big Deals” Within an Organization – A Challenge of Senior Leadership

By Business, Church, Church Planting, Church Revitalization, Leadership, Organizational Leadership

Frankly, finding that balance has always been difficult for me, and at times in the life of the organization, one area does require greater attention than other areas. The key for me is to always keep the big picture in my mind of what we are trying to accomplish, while recognizing the individual contribution, each area needs to bring to that success. I can never allow one area to cloud out my perspective of the other areas.

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