Tweet I only had four church experiences in vocational ministry. I served twice in traditional churches where God allowed us to bring a renewed energy and growth go established churches….
Tweet Leadership is hard and every decision a leader makes is subject to opinion. Different opinions. Lots of different opinions. Every hard decision a leader makes excites some and upsets…
Tweet I entered ministry after a long career in the business world. I had significant life and leadership experience, but honestly, some of it was learned through tremendously painful experiences….
Tweet Every pastor and church I know is trying to recruit more volunteers. As a church planter and church revitalizer, I learned this is especially true those of us who…
Tweet As pastor, I served in such generous churches. Almost every week someone sent me a note or an email to tell me they were praying for me. I routinely…
Tweet In deciding what picture to go with this post, I chose an old pickup truck. Side story, and totally unrelated to this post, my Great Uncle had a truck…
Tweet As a pastor, the larger the church grew the greater the tension I have felt between being available and being accessible. That has been equally true every time God…
Tweet Here’s a secret to having a more productive week: Spend 30 minutes Sunday afternoon or evening, or even early Monday morning, planning your week. I know that sounds overly…
I’m talking about those who just can’t look on the bright side of an issue. They always see the negative side instead of the positive side. They choose not to live by faith, but instead by failure. They love to stop a dream by pointing out all the things, which could go wrong.
Tweet I remember the day God said something to me! Well, one of the days. Thankfully I’ve had a few powerful days when I sensed the Creator spoke clearly. But…