As pastor, I served in such generous churches. Almost every week someone sent me a note or an email to tell me they were praying for me. I routinely got encouragement when I need it most. Some of our closest friends were at the churches where I served as pastor. I’m so thankful for the body of Christ God allowed us to serve.
A question I received often was, “Pastor, what can I do for you?” or “How can I pray for you?”
I was so thankful for that kind of heart.
The church always did plenty for me, but since they asked – and I assume you may wonder what you can do for your pastor…
Here’s what I loved receiving from the church:
- Understanding that I’m human and will make mistakes.
- Prayers that I would stay focussed, committed and faithful.
- Seeing a need within the church or community and meeting it without being asked.
- Not looking to be spoon fed, but taking ownership and responsibility for spiritual growth.
- Realizing that I couldn’t be everywhere or do everything I might have wished I could.
- Bringing new people with them to church as often as they could.
- Making church services a priority over other activities – rather than the opposite.
I realize this is a daunting list.
It would not be an easy list to complete.
But people did ask, so it seemed I had an obligation to share with those who did.
By the way – I love the picture with this post:
Can I get an Amen?
Giving visible feedback to messages – that’s an added bonus!
Pastor, what would you like from your church?
Amen! thanks for remaining us for the local chuech
Twitter: ericspeir
I like your honesty here. As a pastor I want people to realize that I'm human as well and that it is their responsibility to take ownership over their spiritual growth.
Thanks Eric. It's hard sometimes having a platform of a blog read by those outside my church, but also knowing people inside my church are reading it. π
Twitter: justinimmons_
Another great post Ron. As a student pastor, I think about these things every couple days π although I've found my students to be pretty forgiving with me being human. Taking ownership of your own faith and simply living out the mission of the church are the two things that would completely transform the landscape of both the church and our communities. Great thoughts Ron… thanks for sharing them!
Thanks Justin. Students are much more forgiving than adults can be. Do we grow out of that?
although his views are tougher than most I think they are worth merit…
we need this kind of truth following in the church today, dont take it so literally, we are not perfect but can remain in an attitude of "blamelessness" "holy" etc.
its all good, I love discourse of this kind. It makes people THINK.
Thanks. I love discourse too.
Appreciate your passion and willingness to voice your love for Ron.
Ron and I have been going back and forth on lot’s of stuff for awhile now.
And I kinda like him also. π
He let’s me rant and voice a very different opinion that I see in the scriptures.
So happens I get a chance to minister to “Burned out pastors” on a fairly regular basis.
Many have been trying to live up to these tuff qualifications – and have failed – again and again. π
When they come to admit the truth – that they don’t, and can’t, meet the qualifications…
The Healing begins… π
When you believe the lie you start to die…
What is popular is not always "Truth."
What is "Truth" is not always popular.
Ron’s a blessed man to have your loyalty.
Be Blessed in yor search for truth… Jesus…
Thanks Amos.
And don’t forget the qualifications in…
Titus 1:8…
But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, *just,* *holy,* temperate;
***Just – Strongs – #1342 dikaios – from 1349
1 – righteous, observing divine laws
2 – in a wide sense, upright, righteous, virtuous, keeping the commands of God
3 – innocent, faultless, guiltless.
***Holy – Strongs – #3741 hosios
1 – undefiled by sin, free from wickedness, religiously observing every moral obligation.
Hmmm? Blameless? – Just? – Holy?
That’s some tuff qualifications for Elder/Overseer. Yes?
Seems you’re looking for a position where people have…
"Understanding that I’m human and will make mistakes…"
Well, haven’t you assumed a “Title” and “Position” that comes with certain qualifications?
That might cause folks to believe that you don’t make mistakes?
Didn’t Paul give lot’s of **very tough qualifications** for “Elder/Overseer” – and their children. Today, all any **want to be** or *practicing* “Elder/Overseer” has to do is read the qualifications. And, if they don’t qualify, they can humbly remove themselves from **Today’s** “Position” of “Power and Prestige” and be an excellent example to the flock.
1 Tim 3:2 – An “Elder/Overseer“ **must be** blameless…
That “must be” is the same Greek word as …You “must be” born again. John 3:7 KJV.
Seems to be a small word but very important.
It’s Strongs #1163, die. – It is necessary (as binding).
Computer – Thayers – necessity established by the counsel and decree of God.
An “Elder/Overseer“ **must be** – Hmmm? Very important or…?
**Blameless** How important is this word?
Webster’s – Without fault; innocent; guiltless; not meriting censure.
Synonyms – faultless, guiltless, innocent, irreproachable, spotless, unblemished.
Computer – Thayers – Blameless – that cannot be reprehended,
(cannot be, rebukable, reprovable, cannot find fault)
not open to censure, irreproachable.
Strongs #423 – anepileptos – inculpable, blameless, unrebukeable.
How can you expect people to have…
"Understanding that I’m human and will make mistakes…"
When you’ve assumed a position Elder/Overseer that says you are “Blameless?” KJV
Above reproach? NIV – Without reproach? ASV
Seriously dude….please back off. The guy isn't perfect after he his born again or assumes a leadership role in a Church. This kind of stuff is why pastors get discouraged and leave. You are being hurtful and setting expectations on a human being that are beyond acceptable. NO human being will EVER be Spotless, unblemished etc…. He will do all he can to live above reproach but thank God he has been given the mercy and grace to still make mistakes and learn from them. ONLY through mistakes do we grow. Matt- I'm so sorry for peoples critisms of you. I pray that you can overlook them and continue being who you are to the church. THANK YOU for your servants heart and for loving the unloveable. AND most of all THANK YOU for being transparent and REAL!
sorry my last sentences were supposed to be written for Ron. My mistake.
Susan, I do love Amos. He's been able to interject his opinions, which are many times different from mine, and still like me. I appreciate that about him.
I also appreciate your support of me. It's very much appreciated.
Great post. Amen. When I pray for the pastors and church leader's I know, I pray they would grow in Godly wisdom.
Was wondering why you call it “My Church?”
Are you in compitition with Jesus? π
In the Bible… Isn't it called "The Church of God?"
Isn’t it Jesus, who will “build” and “add to” “His Church?”
Isn't it Jesus, who shed "His Blood" to purchase "The Church of God?"
Isn't it Jesus, who's the head of the body,
(the ekklesia, the called out one's), "The Church?"
Where in the Bible did it become…
Local Church? My Church? Your Church? Our Church?
Can't seem to find those terms in my antiquated KJV. π
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold:
them also I must bring, and they shall **hear My voice;**
and there shall be “ONE” fold, and “ONE” shepherd.
John 10:16
One Fold – One Shepherd – One Voice – Jesus
Be blessed in your search for Truth… Jesus…
He only says his church because he is the leader in this Church. I don't think he meant it literal. I think this is what Brandon Saunders (above) was referring to.
Amos, it really was just a descriptive term, such as I'd say my wife. Obviously she's not mine either…she belongs to Christ….my child…belongs to Christ…everything does. In fact, everything was created by Him and for Him, so we could get rid of the word in the English language….but it's there to show association more than possession. Thanks man.
Of course your very first one rang loud in my heart – "Understanding that I’m human and will make mistakes…"
Oh, how I wish all my pastor friends has people around them that understood this – AND embraced it.
Ha! Of course!
Good stuff Ron! I'd add, know the difference between "thoughtful input" and criticism. Please exercise the former and refrain from the latter.
That's good Brendan. Real good.
AMEN! Thanks Ron for the reminder and helping us know how to love our pastors well. Bless you!
Thanks Tami. You have a great pastor.
For clarity sake, I'm not Tami's pastor that I was referring to as being great. π