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Intentionally Loving People

By Christians, Church, Encouragement, God

As believers, loving others is not to be an option, it’s to be a lifestyle. No one does that better than my wife Cheryl.

Recently we were on a 3 1/2 hour flight to San Francisco. I was in the window seat, Cheryl was in the middle, and a woman we didn’t know was in the aisle seat. I do some of my best work on a plane, so I was in a groove and time seemed to pass quickly. I knew Cheryl was talking to the other woman, but didn’t pay much attention. I was in a zone and very focussed. (Cheryl’s always complimented me on being able to ignore everything around me 🙂 )

At one point I looked up, and Cheryl was crying…and so was this woman. Of course my first thought, as every man thinks when a woman cries, was “what did I do?” As I later learned, this woman has just returned from her father’s funeral. Cheryl, who lost her father over a year ago, was able to minister to this woman on the plane to San Francisco. They traded contact information and Cheryl made herself available after this brief encounter ended.

This week, Cheryl received this email:

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My Current Heart Stirrings: Men’s Ministry

By Culture, Encouragement, Life Plan, Marriage, Parenting

I did men’s ministry for many years before I went into vocational ministry. Recently I felt led to address the young men in our church. One Saturday morning, I invited men aged 35 and under to join me as I shared some thoughts with them. Basically I said to them what I wish had been said to me at that age. The response from the guys who attended has been amazing. They want more.

In the process of planning and praying for this event, God did something to my heart. I’m still processing all that means, but I know it involves being more intentional addressing concerns I have for what I see as a need for more godly men to lead in their homes, communities and churches.

This week I received this email.

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