Tweet The world and all its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:17 NIV Some of my best growth times…
Tweet This week, I want to encourage you to do something special with the memory verse. Write it on an index card or something similar. Place it where you will…
Tweet I could battle an addiction to pornography… There I said it… I hate to admit it, but I must… Now, let me explain… I’m not an addict… I’m not…
Tweet It’s hard to believe we are in the 32nd week of the year…isn’t it? Here is this week’s memory verse: “The LORD will fight for you; you need only…
Tweet Just because something is simple doesn’t mean it is easy Simple directions to a gas grille…never easy… Simplifying things for people…may make them easier to understand… But won’t make…
Tweet Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them….
Tweet As we continue our Mark series this summer, recently I addressed the story of the rich young man…or as some call it…the rich young ruler. This story has always…
Tweet The wise woman builds her house (Proverbs 14:1) If you want to build a house: It takes a plan It takes diligence It requires the right materials It takes…
Tweet What if this week, instead of taking the problems of this world as your own, you saw them as temporary problems…momentary bumps on an eternal road…??? What if you…