Tweet When I was growing up I frequently heard the phrase. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. I’m not sure that’s a saying anymore, but…
Tweet You remember the cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz, don’t you? He was supposed to be the king of the jungle, but he had no courage. I’ve known…
Tweet There are many courageous leaders in our world today. Certainly coming to mind are the military and emergency personnel who serve faithfully everyday. I’m living again in a military…
Tweet I learned in church revitalization that many times entrepreneurial type leaders disappear when things aren’t working well. People who like big visions and want to see progress around them…
Tweet Capacity: the ability or power to do, experience, or understand something. Most leaders realize the capacity of the organization impacts the potential to accomplish its mission. When the organization begins…
Tweet I’ve often said good leaders never assume silence means everyone is in agreement. In fact, there’s a whole chapter on that principle and some good questions you can ask…
Tweet I was talking with a pastor recently that is frustrated with some of his staff. He wants people to assume more ownership for their work and take initiative on…
Tweet Healthy teams allow every idea a chance to live. Initially, there are no bad ideas. The healthiest teams don’t contain a built in idea killer or a system that…
Tweet One of my first managers frequently reminded us no one is irreplaceable. He would use the illustration of placing your hands in a bucket and then pulling them out….
Tweet Can I be candid with you? I don’t read all of every email I receive. I’m not even talking about forwards of cute stories that get mass emailed. I…