Tweet Let’s be honest! Criticism hurts. No one enjoys hearing something negative about themselves or finding out that something you did wasn’t perceived as well by others as you hoped…
Tweet Criticism accompanies leadership. We shouldn’t be surprised when it comes; especially when we are leading change. (Which is what leaders do.) Make any decision and some will agree and…
Tweet It is incredible how fast the Coronavirus outbreak has impacted all of us. The outbreak is continually trending on Twitter. It dominates the news. The stock market has been…
Tweet The Apostle Paul was an effective leader. He was the arguably the most successful church planter of all times; managing to plant churches and write books we are still…
Tweet There are two things all good leaders do for their team. These are vital if you want to lead a healthy team. They help their team say yes. Good…
Tweet Some of my best work is done when I can’t understand all that I’m doing. When things are messy. My head is cloudy. I have more questions than answers….
Tweet I talk with leaders regularly who lead an organization struggling to grow. They are trying to figure out how to succeed again. It could be a pastor, a ministry…
Tweet I am a fan of church mergers. It takes Kingdom-minded people to be willing to humble themselves and carry through with the blending of two separate churches. I am…
Tweet The way you begin a leadership position often determines the success you will have in it. That’s such a strong, but important word for new leaders to understand. Having…
Tweet As a pastor, I have heard far more “junk” than I care to hear sometimes. It always frustrates me to watch how gossip begins in the church about other…