Tweet Go ahead…Give up. Seriously. Quit trying. It’s easier. You’re probably tired. It might not work anyway. Sure. It was a God-given dream. Of course, it was His idea. But…
Tweet As leaders, we have influence. John Maxwell defines leadership as influence. Some would say leadership comes with power. I would agree. Regardless of the size of your following, if…
Tweet If I could give one piece of advice to leaders who want long-term success it would be this: Learn the people. I know. It sounds too simple, but until…
Tweet …than this world could ever offer! far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but…
Tweet My friend coach Craig Candeto is a former Navy standout quarterback. He’s still a young man, but he’s already started an impressive career as a coach. Currently he’s coaching…
Tweet Using Acts 2 as our model, recently I shared my beginning vision for the new church I began pastoring a month ago. You can watch the message where I…
Tweet I talk to so many people who are waiting on a burning bush experience before they move forward with an idea or dream. With the best intentions, they want…
Tweet I read a blog post recently that indicated the death of long-term planning was imminent. Their point was that we need to be so flexible in a fast changing…
Tweet In my experience, some things are so difficult the first time that people seldom see a second time. The crazy thing is that with many things, if we will…