Tweet This week I start a new journey. You can read about it HERE. I’m in a good place in life for this change. I’m old enough to have learned…
Tweet This is a guest post from Timothy R. Clark. Timothy is the author of a new book titled “The Employee Engagement Mindset“. I felt his insight was worthy of…
Tweet Over the years, I’ve observed that many times the initial reaction to tragedy often dictates the final outcome of the situation. I’m not talking about our split second response…
Tweet I’ve lived in Clarksville, Tennessee all my life. So has Cheryl. I know that’s unusual at our age. Most people we know, especially in a military town have moved…
Tweet This is a guest post from Jeff Goins. Jeff is a writer, speaker, and blogger. Jeff has also become a friend and I’ve enjoyed the times to hang out…
Tweet It’s one of the hardest things to do, but… One day, if you’ve done your job well… It will be time to get out of the way and let…
Tweet When a new leader enters the picture, the opening days are critical to the leader’s success. First impressions matter. In the numerous times I’ve been the “new guy”, I’ve…
Tweet This is a guest post by Tyler Braun. Tyler is a 27-year-old INTJ living in Portland, Oregon with his wife Rose. He works full time as a worship leader,…
Tweet I previously posted this story under another title, but since it’s been 4 years, I thought I was expand it and share again. Recently I received some great life…
Tweet This is a guest post by Darrell Vesterfelt. Darrell is a the president of Prodigal Magazine and church planter in West Palm Beach, Florida who believes in the power of…