Tweet As a pastor and through my online ministry, I frequently receive questions from churches who want to do a good job in welcoming a new pastor. I have been…
Tweet As a pastor and through my online ministry, I frequently receive questions from churches who want to do a good job in welcoming a new pastor. I have been…
Tweet Sometimes change is more difficult to lead than other times. This is where leadership is tested most, tensions mount and people are more likely to object. In my experience,…
Tweet Any leader attempting change needs to understand is the emotions of change. You cannot lead successfully if you do not understand every change has an emotion. Plus, if you…
Tweet Great leaders are willing to do hard things. And the hardest always involve people. Yet, in my experience, the toughest decision is almost always the smartest decision. It’s the…
Tweet Whenever I enter a new leadership position, I have a few strategies to attempt some early success. If you know me at all, you know I’m pretty strategic. So,…
Tweet As an organization grows, adding structure will be required to sustain it. Frankly, I think there is value in unstructured growth. We shouldn’t be afraid of growth we cannot…
I once wanted to be known as the life of the party. I’m funny, quick-witted and actually kind of silly at times, but these days people seldom see the real me. My family does, and often the people I work with gets to see who I really am, but except for occasional bursts of randomness the rest of the world thinks I’m always serious, always thinking about something purposeful or profound. (Social media has helped with that some.) I had to come to the realization that I’m an introvert and, in crowded settings, I most often shut down the wild side.
Knowing who you are is the first step to becoming a person of influence.
Tweet Have you ever had to lead change when you aren’t sure what changes are even needed? Or have you had to lead change when there wasn’t clear agreement on…
Tweet As a pastor and leader, I am continually dealing with change. Everyday. Change is a part of life – for all of us. There are some critical steps that…
Tweet I can now consider myself part of an older generation. I’m not “old” yet – at least in my opinion, but I’m older. Old enough to know there are…