I remember in my undergraduate studies a professor of marketing say that no one could ever replace Sears as the number one retailer. Of course, looking back, that was a naïve comment. It’s easy to assume that Wal Mart will continue their dominance of the retail world, but recently, due to the economy, they have experience greater competition from the discounters and the higher end retailers. What will their future be? Still not certain, consider THIS ARTICLE I read this week.
Letting go of responsibility is not something that comes natural for me.
I score high on Command in the StrengthsFinders assessment.
This video blows my mind. I love big dreams…I love mind-stretching exercises…this one helps me think bigger than I might normally think. It’s 18 minutes long, but it’s worth watching. Whether you agree with this line of thinking or solution to global problems is not the issue here, but feel free to share them. I’m sharing this because I love how big Paul Romer is thinking.

One of my weaknesses in leadership is failing to give enough details. I am skilled at painting the big picture. I have tons of ideas. I can usually get people motivated, but often they have no idea what they are to do next. Knowing this about myself, I must constantly ask if people around me understand what I am trying to communicate. This doesn’t come natural for me, but it is something I have tried to practice in my leadership. (You’d have to ask someone on my team if I’m any good at it.)
I think where I have landed, at least for now, is that bigger than the issue of evaluation, is the issue of continuance. The fact is that I really do believe growth is occurring in individual lives, not just in the total numbers of people. We are accomplishing our objective to “make growing disciples of Jesus Christ”. I still want to consider ways to validate that belief, and I have some ideas I’m working on there, but the key word for me now is sustainability. I want us to be able to continue doing what we’ve been doing.
Personally speaking, the older I get the more I am concentrating on my weaknesses.
I know my strengths. I need to know what’s holding me back from being all God wants me to be. I like to surround myself with people that stretch me.
Part of growing an organization is delegating, or getting more people involved in the process of accomplishing the overall goals and objectives of the organization. It cannot be overemphasized that if you want to grow the organization, you must learn to delegate. The part of delegation, however, that many leaders have the hardest time doing is letting go of his or her right to control the work being delegated.
We are not a very formal organization at Grace Community Church. As our church and staff have grown, however, we have recognized the need for more structure. I try to keep an open door policy of leadership and frequently ask for input and try to provide feedback. I realize, however, that communication is one of the areas I continually need to improve upon, especially as our church grows larger.
I have always struggled to say that I make New Year’s resolutions. If you are like me, when you put a lofty expectation in place and shortly in the year you have already failed, it only leads to disappointment. That’s not a very encouraging system to me.
In my years of leading and managing, I have observed all types of work ethics. As a student of leadership, I have read books and attended conferences on organizational development and workplace issues. One frequent message I hear is the encouragement to work less and enjoy life more. I know the reason. There is an epidemic of over-achievers in our society neglecting family and failing to enjoy life because they are consumed with things of lesser importance.