Tweet I have been part of several organizations experiencing either exponential growth or tremendous change. In business and with a few churches, we had times of explosive growth, but also…
Tweet I wrote this in response to the shootings in Oregon a couple years ago – almost two years exactly. Some thought it was helpful, so I share it here…
Tweet I have been asked why I wrote The Mythical Leader I have toyed with the idea of writing a book for years. I have an Evernote file of book…
Tweet One struggle I’ve witnessed consistently with leaders – including this one – is we drown in information overload. There are more good ideas than we can ever implement. We…
Tweet I once received an email: Ron, a question for you. If you had to pass one and only one leadership principle to others leaders, what would that one principle…
Tweet I love team dynamics and organizational structures. I have written many times about what makes a healthy team, my expectations of team members, and elements to build health into…
I love organizational leadership and I am happy to serve on a healthy team. It’s amazing how many church leaders I know that say their team is not healthy. Recently I started wondering why it is that I claim our team is healthy and it led me to this post. Here, in my opinion, are 10 elements of a healthy organization:
Tweet In making decisions whether or not to take on a new project, adopt a new stance, or move forward in a new direction I like to discern whether it…
Tweet I received an from someone about a conflict they are having with someone else. For context: It is not a clearly defined Biblical issue. Both parties feel they are…
Tweet I’ve noticed this principle so many times in my own leadership and in working with other leaders. The more prepared I am to face a situation the less stress…