It also seems that Jesus lived His life that way as well. He was always telling of His love, but He never seemed to brag about His strength, but news of His love and strength spread quickly throughout the world at the time.
The battle between legalism and grace is always difficult. Are we to live holy and righteous lives? Absolutely. Are we to be in the world and friends of sinners? If we want to be like Jesus we should. Does God forgive us when we sin? Thankfully. Finding the delicate balance between those two extremes is difficult.
I have been encouraging people to dream big dreams for years. I think part of the reason I want others to dream is so that I am justified in my own desire to dream. I believe dreaming encourages the heart and keeps a mind fresh. As we begin another year, I hope you have some big dreams. You will never have a dream for your life bigger than God’s dream for you.
I am not a selfish person usually, although I guess we all are to a certain extent. Still, there are some things I want more of in my life in the year 2009. All of these stem from what I really want to accomplish in life. I have thought a lot recently, while preparing for the first message of the New Year at Grace, about what matters most in my life. Here’s my list of “more”.
These posts received the largest numbers of hits and/or were the most found by search from 2008: (The titles should be clickable links.)
It may be Happy New Year to you, but to me it is Happy Birthday Cheryl. Today is my precious wife Cheryl’s ____th birthday.
Some people speak a language they share with the group of people who have a similar lifestyle, occupation or interest. We tend to indoctrinate ourselves with the language and culture of the people we hang around, work with, and from whom we learn.
What is your definition of a team player? Over the years, I have discovered that not everyone defines “team player” the same. There appears to be two almost bipolar understandings of the term. This difference existed when I was in the business world and it continues now that I am in professional ministry work.
It shouldn’t surprise us that animals may have witnessed the birth of the Christ child. Jesus was the Creator. He was with God from the very beginning, planning each intricate part of Creation. All creation, with the exception of man, naturally glorifies the Creator by unconditional obedience.
Stop for just a moment and think about God. God is so big that He spoke a universe into existence. That same God sacrificed His only Son so that you and I could find our way back to Him. Can you love a God like that? Can you serve a God like that? Does your life and celebration this year reflect the depth of your love?