Tweet Sometimes it’s the little things. A lazy Sunday afternoon nap after a great morning at church. Picking raspberries in Michigan and “testing” them along the way. Inside jokes with…
Tweet 6.2.13 : A Call to Radical Living from ron edmondson on Vimeo.
Tweet Oh, the joy of controlling leadership. It’s highly under appreciated. Oh, I know, this appears to be a change of tune for me. This blog has been critical of…
Tweet While He was praying in private and His disciples were with Him, He asked them, “Who do the crowds say that I am? ” They answered, “John the Baptist;…
Tweet The other day someone said to me, “Pastor, Sorry I haven’t gotten involved in the church yet, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing right now….
Tweet Today we remember. Today we honor. Today we celebrate. Your sacrifice. Your pride of duty. Your love of freedom. Your strength. Your family’s commitment. Your courage. Your patriotism. Your…
Tweet “He was openly talking about this. So Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him.” (Mark 8:32) I read this recently and laughed. LOL in fact. The innocence…
Tweet I might have discovered a secret to the success of Jesus’ disciples. And therefore my own ministry. I never caught it until recently. Read these verses and see if…
Tweet This was a week (again) where the news was dominated by a natural disaster. Knowing that this blog is read by many pastors and church leaders, I felt led…
Tweet If you haven’t heard, Google Reader is going away. Quickly. It was announced a couple months ago, but it ends July 1, 2013. I was bummed, because I use…