Tweet I have updated this post from a couple years ago. For years, when the boys were at home, we shared our list of “Thankfuls” each Thanksgiving holiday. We would…
Tweet I have updated this post from a couple years ago. For years, when the boys were at home, we shared our list of “Thankfuls” each Thanksgiving holiday. We would…
One of my Top Posts of 2010 was a post entitled 10 Characteristics of Good Leadership. As I was typing it into the year-end review I “mistakenly” typed in the word “God” instead of the word “Good”. I decided to let this “mistake” become a post of it’s own. I’ve written before 10 Reasons I Admire the Leadership Principles of Jesus and 10 Tips to Doing Leadership the Jesus Way, but in this post, it would be ways I should lead if I am leading in a God-inspired way.
Using my Evernote application, I quickly captured the first 10 characteristics that came to mind…Basically I asked myself, if a person was leading the way God would inspire him or her, how would he or she lead? (I’m hoping you’ll add to my list.)
Here are 10 Characteristics of God Leadership:
Tweet I have been writing about the times of crisis — especially from the viewpoint of leadership. My hope is that if you are in crisis-mode right now you are…
Tweet In my last post I shared 5 things not to do in times of crisis. I am writing this with the leader in mind, but I suspect they may…
Tweet In my profession, I encounter a lot of people in crisis. Since this is mostly a leadership blog, I tend to think of leaders I know who are currently…
Tweet I love the story of Esther. If you haven’t read it lately, you can do so HERE. Here are the four principles I’ve observed from the story of Esther….
Tweet And without faith it is impossible to please God… Hebrews 11:6 We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 For we have no power to face this…
Tweet How do we find balance in a cluttered world? In this message, I share 4 suggestions: Do a time assessment. Intentionally de-clutter Learn the power of No! Find your…
Tweet In this message we are considering living in a busy world. If not careful, it can have 3 results: Our soul is cluttered. Relationships suffer Ultimately – God is…
I occasionally like to correct a myth I have heard all my life. How many times has someone said to you, “God will never put more trials on you than you can bear”? I challenge you to show me that in the Bible. The problem I have with this myth is that it keeps so many believers wondering why they can’t handle their problems, falsely believing they should be able to, because someone once told them the lie that God would not put more on them than they could.