Tweet Every believer wants to hear from God. We want to distinguish God’s voice from the circumstances of our life. Why would you attempt to follow God closely if you…
Tweet Every believer wants to hear from God. We want to distinguish God’s voice from the circumstances of our life. Why would you attempt to follow God closely if you…
And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you Luke 24: 5-6
Easter reminds me that I often make the mistake of those who were seeking the crucified Christ.
I look for the living among the dead…
I look at my past mistakes and think I can’t do better…
I look at my failures and think I’m defeated…
I look at those who cast doubt upon me and think they speak truth…
I look at my inadequacies and think I’m limited…
I look at my problems and forget that His mercies are new every morning…
I look for the living among the dead…
Are you looking for the living among the dead?
Let Easter remind you we serve a RISEN Savior!
The tomb is empty!
Live that way!
Tweet People say Christians are crazy, but I would like to submit another group of people for consideration: fire walkers. I’d recently gone on a 37,000-mile prayer pilgrimage around the…
Tweet Tom Cheyney and I will be hosting a pre-conference Revitalization lab at Exponential East this year entitled: Finding New Life for an Old Church. Tom and I were talking…
Tweet Life On Mission – Sovereignty of God from ron edmondson on Vimeo.
Tweet I’ll never forget the day a young college-aged girl told me recently that she didn’t enjoy reading her Bible and asked if there was an alternative book. At first,…
Tweet Do you want to guarantee your success in the new year? If you could figure out a way, that’d be worth it, right? Here’s a Biblical example of how…