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7 Ways to Distinguish God’s Voice from the Circumstances of Life

By April 14, 2015August 8th, 2021Christians, Encouragement, God

Every believer wants to hear from God. We want to distinguish God’s voice from the circumstances of our life.

Why would you attempt to follow God closely if you didn’t want to know His voice or hear what He has to say?

Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice.” (John 10:27)

That’s especially true in the circumstances of our life. When life is happening — we want to know: Is this God? Is this what He is telling me to do? Is God trying to get my attention?

And, I believe, sometimes life if just happening. It’s not at all that God isn’t interested or in control. He counts hairs on our head and stores our tears in a bottle — He cares. But, sometimes life is life. Things happen. Doors open. Doors close. Jobs are lost. Health changes. The deal on the house we wanted falls through. We don’t get the scholarship we hoped we would. Life happens.

And, yet, I do believe God will use our circumstances to speak to us. He used a burning bush to speak to Moses.

I wish He’d use one to speak to me sometimes. I think I’d pay attention to that.

And, I think that’s part of the problem.

One thing I’ve observed is that we often expect God to speak in the grandiose voice of God. And, sometimes God speaks that way, but many times — at least in my life — God is more subtle than that. Often God speaks through those quiet moments, through other people, and through ordinary life’s circumstances.

In a crowded world of noise and life distractions sometimes it’s hard to understand what God is saying. Isn’t it?

How do we — in the midst of our circumstances — as mixed up and confusing as they can be — figure out what God could be saying to us?

First, I have to say this — it begins and ends in a relationship. If you don’t have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ — start there. (Read Romans 10:9 and if you have questions, email me.)

But, for those who have a relationship already — which is the majority of my readers — how do we hear God’s voice through our circumstances?

Here are 7 ways to distinguish God’s voice through the circumstances of life:

Mirror your circumstances with the truth of God’s Word

God will never contradict Himself. He will never speak to us — even through our circumstances — in a way that will contradict His written word. I hear people at times claim God is telling them to do something that is in violation with what God has already said. That’s never God.

God uses people to confirm His voice

Even in circumstances, in my experience, you can distinguish God’s voice through people He puts in your path. People who attempt to follow God with their life can help us to hear from God.

Every time God has called me to something there have been others to confirm they are hearing the same calling. I’ve often had to cycle through the naysayers to hear them, but they are there. I seek out wisdom of others.

When we went to plant a church — I thought that’s what God was doing — the doors certainly kept opening, but one loud voice of God were the number of people who kept bringing it to my attention unsolicited — including one prophetic pastor (who claimed to not be a prophet) who spoke directly to a 10 year old vision of the plant exactly as God had originally shared it with me. That was my burning bush, but they don’t come along often. Probably only when you’re as stubborn as I am.

Recognize that God operates from a plan

Proverbs 16:9 says, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Rick Warren has sold millions of books telling us that we should live our life with a purpose. God’s purpose.

Looking back over my life, I could never have scripted it, but I see how God has used me according to an overall plan. He’s used my life experiences to shape me for where I am church planting He used my business entrepreneurial experience. In church revitalization, He’s used my business transition experience. God knows how to use a past for His good.

Examine your circumstances in light of God’s overall plan

When trying to hear from God through the circumstances of life, we should not try to make a decision on one event or set of circumstances. Circumstances may or may not be God speaking to us. We should look at our life over a span of months or years.

Jeremiah 29:11 indicates that God has a definite plan to proper us and give us hope, but it would take the people 70 years to get there. (We often miss that part when celebrating that verse.)

When we look at our life over time we will be able to see what God has been doing. When the circumstances of life consistently line up over time with God’s overall plan it is possible that God is trying to speak through those circumstances.

How many times do we have to hear the same thing — or experience the same circumstances — before we recognize and obey the voice of God?

Before God called me into ministry the voices speaking into my life were many. I was available at the time — in between business careers, there were tons of confirmations and signs, and I had to view my life in the context of God’s master plan — of what He had been shaping for years.

Don’t allow circumstances to keep you from hearing or obeying God

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 16:8-9 (NIV) “But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me.” The common sense thing to do when everyone opposes you would be to leave, but Paul knew the circumstances were not indicative of God’s will for his life.

Sometimes our circumstances may look gloomy, but we haven’t heard the truth of our circumstances until we have heard from God. God has typically spoken to me clearest during my darkest days — when He has my closest attention.

Fear is a great tool of the enemy. The devil can use circumstances also to lead us away from God. This is where the Scripture and other people you trust can help you discern.

Ask God to show you His perspective on the circumstances

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13 NIV)

As followers of God we will spend our whole life trying to discern the will of God for our life; listening for His voice. If we desire to hear from God through our circumstances we must intently listen for the voice of God.

To distinguish God’s voice is not always easy. When life is coming at us we cannot seem to understand what is going on, we shouldn’t be afraid to ask for clarification. We should feel free to ask, “God what did you mean by that?”

Many times I think I know what God is saying, but it’s in the seasons of questioning that I am more intentional to go back to Him for clarification. I’ve even taken days away to intentionally listen during the confusing times.

Remember: God’s primary desire in speaking is for eternal purposes

We limit God to this finite world when we fail to remember He is an infinite God. When we are trying to discern God’s voice through the circumstances of life we should consider how what is happening around us fits into God’s eternal plan to save a lost world from destruction and to mold His children into the image of His Son.

God’s primary activity will be in these areas of our life. I’ve always been able to see how God’s specific plan for me lined up with His desire to invite a world to know Him. If what I sense He is asking me to do would help people know Him or know Him better it is much easier to recognize and affirm the voice of God in my circumstances.

To distinguish God’s voice is critical for the children of God. We need to know God’s will.

Our mission is to learn how to hear His voice. We must listen intently and carefully for His voice through the crowd of noises in the world in which we live. Thankfully God has not given up on us, but is still speaking to His people today.

Are you in a season of trying to hear from God?

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Ron Edmondson

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"I’ve always been able to see how God’s specific plan for me lined up with His desire to invite a world to know Him."

Thanks, I often forget that it's not about me.
1 reply · active 185 weeks ago
This was a great post. A truly wonderful one. Thank you.
1 reply · active 711 weeks ago
"I’ve always been able to see how God’s specific plan for me lined up with His desire to invite a world to know Him."

Thanks, I often forget that it's not about me.
For me it started with taking my eyes off Him, although I didn't know it at the time. My life got crazy and depressing and hard and I kept wondering where He was; why this much "suffering". When in reality it was my own doing. I think that we sometimes lose sight that perhaps He isn't silent, it's that we refuse to listen because we don't see that we've wandered far from the path.

All of this has resulted in problems in my marriage. He has been merciful and faithful and has brought me back to where I need to be and I am so grateful, but now my wife's heart has been hardened against me and I deal with this. So I spend a lot of my time listening for Him; wanting to do the right thing always and not fall away again and to be the man my wife deserves.

Sometimes it is very very silent and this focuses my prayers. But I do long for that word that I am going in the right direction. And I can see in scripture where I am, but since my wife has free will she can choose to not follow along and that is hard. Occasionally I get a "wink" from God. They are nice, but too few and far between. Still it gives me hope for a complete restoration of my marriage. And I can see clearly in my life in other ways where His hand is at work and I am so grateful for the help and direction that He gives.

I do have to say, though, that there are times I really just wish He would come and sit beside me and tell me yes you are doing right, or no, you're missing the mark...sigh.
6 replies · active 449 weeks ago

Thought this site might be a benefit to those desireing to “Hear His Voice.”

Just click on the rectangle with “His Voice.”

And you’ll find (4) four pages of only scriptures about “Hearing His Voice.”

A free PDF download. Free to use. Free to give away.

You can read these scriptures over and over again until you believe them.
You can read them over and over again until you believe God.

If God can create everything by speaking it into existance...

Then speaking to “His Children,” “His Sheep,” would be easy...

Out of heaven he made you to “hear His voice,”
that “He might instruct you.”
Deuteronomy 4:36
2 replies · active 531 weeks ago
I am a Catholic hermit and you speak very close to my heart. I worked in theater all of my life, I am 53, and throughout my life there was a continuous emptiness. At age 49 I began to feel the a definite call to solitude and the the life of a hermit. That does not mean I live in a cave, it means that I live in greater solitude and pray night and day for the salvation of the whole world. You use of the scripture is what I call Lectio Divina, a close, careful, and prayerful reading of the scriptures in order to hear what God wants me to learn and do. Great post. :-)
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
I've always known how to hear God but now I get confused if it really comes from God because I don't see anything happening right now. What should i do? Should I wait until God moves?
2 replies · active 503 weeks ago
It is very true i used to be depressed and even almost committed suicide but i got over it on my own now that i am older and i look back i realize god put me through that to strengthen me now i am never depressed and when i am feeling sad i can get over it really fast because of god.
Am glad i came across this.i have difficulty in differentiating God's voice from my life circumstance.i have been praying over my choice of a Life partner for 3yrs in a 3yr realtionship with one particular man i Love so much, whose treatment towards me drew me closer to God.3 different brethrens(i was told they are Men of God)have confirmed him to be the one while Another man of God said he is not.i have prayed over it and usually hear this quiet voice telling me to hold on,don't let go.though somethings about us are improving as i pray,bt some major things are still lacking and i dont know what to listen to and what to believe anymore.i need a true confirmation from God to know the wisest thing to do because age is no longer on my side. pls help me out,am going crazy.
1 reply · active 597 weeks ago

7 Suggestions When God Is Silent | Ron Edmondson

[…] or another person. You’ll need to be in a position to know that God is moving. (Read THIS POST if you need help discerning God’s […]
I am glad God lead me to the post. I am having a difficult time hearing God in a life situation. I belong to a church that I have always loved. my husband does not care for the church so he doe not go. I have been asking God if I should find another church so we can worship God together. I'm very torn. I feel the presence of God every time I walk into my church. I believe my pastor is truly anointed but I also want to see my husband find salvation. I have prayed about this but not sure if it is God or thee circumstances talking.
1 reply · active 113 weeks ago
I feel as though God may be leading me to a different college. However, I can't tell if this is just based on my own human emotions...the connections I feel to this place and the people around it. I just started a club at my current college and it is going well, but will need continued direction. I just got comfortable at my current college...I know that sometimes that is when God really tests us by pulling us out of our comfort level, but I don't want to make a mistake by's very hard for me to become comfortable in places. I would regret leaving the club at such a rocky stage well as leaving my family, which is close to my current college, and all of my friends. Also, I have been trying to work out changing colleges and it has been extremely difficult. I have been praying hard for guidance, but having a hard time finding it. What am I supposed to do?
1 reply · active 582 weeks ago
I am so torn right now. I was in nursing program & I didn't do too well so I got kicked out. I am at a new school & met with an advisor who told me that the chance of me getting in the new nursing program is small. Now I find myself asking if that's God telling me to do something else. All I want is to be a nurse. I don't believe that God will bring me this far just to leave me now but I have doubts as to what he wants me to do. Please help.
7 replies · active 113 weeks ago
Amazing so true, awesome teaching, thanks it helps me to knopw the truth.
I have never been good into listening into Gods voice. It is hard for me but I do want to try and believe with all my heart. Currently I am studying to be a Digital Artist it is not the most stable career which does worry me. I have great passion for art but at the same time have doubts about the path I am taking. I love the college I am currently in the people are very interesting, open and nice but I can't help to think that god intended to have me do something else with my life. It doesn't help that most of my family were against my choice but I had this huge pull in my gut that I should do it. I can't see myself doing anything else but...what if I fail? What if this career is a joke like they said? Please help....
2 replies · active 221 weeks ago
I have been trying to hear God's voice concerning whether the man I want to be with will be my husband. I know full well that God gives everyone free will and I accept that. What I do not get is when His Word says that God will give you the desires of your heart and that if we desire something we should ask, seek, and knock. Because I have not received this relationship I have been asking for and wanted clarity from God, I prayed that He would show me a sign. I know the Bible says the wicked man seeks a sign, but God also showed numerous signs to Gideon. I asked God to show me if this man is for me, then to show me a yellow rose and that same NIGHT I saw a yellow rose! Can I ask for a sign? I have been doing this for years! I try to force myself to accept that His answer is "no" and that I have to move on, and when I get to this point...a yellow rose will show up. It's in art, in pictures, in words, but it's there.

Is this God saying "yes but wait for my timing" or is He saying "no" and I am just seeing this sign because I'm subconsciously searching for it even though I am carrying on with my daily activities without actively seeking out roses?
3 replies · active 493 weeks ago
I was called to "unite the churches." I died on August 6th 2013.. I'm so thankful God forgave me of my sins because I was not a true Christian. He let the will of thousands to be done, and brought me back to life. Our story has been told on Fox News and it was a true miracle. My body was dead, there was no hope for me, my brain was also allegedly dead. I have come back to preach the Good News and unite the churches as I was instructed. The successfulness of my mission has been amazing. I never thought of it as an impossible task because i knew God wouldn't ask me to do anything I wasn't capable of doing. Slowly but surely the Catholic church is changing… please keep an open mind about this. I have seen many revelations and have brought it to a local level to many churches. It may take 100 years, but I know its in God's plan till the very end. I do not get upset when people do not believe me, although its something I usually do not announce. I use the creative ways that God has told me to use to preach the Good News, and to never judge or discount anyone, no matter what. God Bless You All.
I wish it were easier knowing that these signs are from god. I was told that the devil also uses "signs" making us believe its from god. How do you decided which is which? I am waiting for a sign or word or something from god right now whether or not to move? Im confused. I'm looking for signs but nothing yet.
1 reply · active 551 weeks ago
I a strong in my faith, or at least I believe I am. Why then does it feel like the harder I try to provide peace and security for my wife and children that we are financially struggling? I try to hear Him through my trials but yet I am human and feel I am not understanding or worse forsaken. Am I not hearing the right message or even more scary not understanding?
2 replies · active 501 weeks ago
I have turned away from evil about 3yrs ago. Although, I had left all the people that was not to go with me into this new chapter in my life, I was still doing things my way. About a few months ago I gave up and stop doing things my way. For the past 2 months or so I have been experienceing strange events and it all seems to be connecting. I got a feeling to look for for father, I found him. But then he starting telling me of some help my family was needing. Crazy as it my sound I ran into a guy at work who buys the product in which my family is having the issue with. I really think God what's me to help them. I have not been in contact with them in 20+ yrs. Does god work this way? I feel a little crazy
Thank you for this post. I have difficulty balancing my life and keeping focus on what god is saying to me.
I am currently going through a divorce that I feel the need to stand for restoration. The Bible says that God will answer all prayers that line up with his will. I can find nowhere in scripture where I should give up regardless of my spouse's desires to end the marriage.
2 replies · active 523 weeks ago
I try so hard to know what his plans are for me it's been six years ... See ever since I was thirteen I wanted to be a singer but I thought it was just a gimmick so I waited it out but I still want to be a singer now almost six years later but on the other hand I've always liked to draw ever since I was young. So I don't know which one to choose also I don't live in America so opportunities aren't there but I still dream of being a singer so what should I do how do I know which is my ambition which is gods ? Help me please it's been almost six years I can't take it anymore
1 reply · active 446 weeks ago

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