I occasionally like to correct a myth I have heard all my life.
How many times has someone said to you, “God will never put more (trials) on you than you can bear”?
I challenge you to show me that in the Bible.
God WILL allow more than you can bear.
He will.
The problem I have with that lie is that – as innocently as it is given – even offered mostly as encouragement – is that it’s not encouraging at all.
The myth makes so many believers wonder why they can’t handle their problems – falsely believing they should be able to — because someone once told them the lie that God would not put more on them than they could handle.
Than THEY could handle. And, that’s the key problem with that phrase.
Yes, we do have the promise that we will not be “tempted beyond what you can bear” (1 Corinthians 10:13), but we need to understand what that verse is saying. It says that God will not allow Satan to bring temptation, or enticement to sin, into our life where is too much for us to say no to it. When we are tempted to sin, God will make a way for us to resist it – through His Holy Spirit in us. God wants us to live holy – just as Christ who calls us is holy – and so He provided a Helper for us to resist temptation.
But, that verse has nothing to do with the amount of struggles we will face as believers.
Consistently, throughout the Bible, I read where God allowed more trials, more pressure, than His children could bear.
Elijah, the powerful prophet of God who held back the rain had a time when the trial must have been bigger than his ability to handle it. Consider this verse: “The angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.” (1 Kings 19:7)
Once when Paul wrote to the people at Corinth (2 Corinthians 1:8), he told them that he and his followers faced trials “far beyond our ability to endure“.
David, the great war hero and man after God’s own heart, told the Lord that “troubles without number surround me” and “and I cannot see“. He couldn’t see clearly, because he was overwhelmed with the storms of life!
Another time David said “Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck.”(Oh how I identify with David there!)
Jehoshaphat prayed, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” (2 Chronicles 20:12) It sounds like he was facing more than he could handle – on his own.
Are there times when God allows more troubles in your life than you can bear? Absolutely! Positively!
If you can accept my testimony as an example, let me tell you that sometimes life throws more at me than I can handle – at least more than I can handle alone. I can’t do it in my own strength. I can’t.
The reason God allows you and I to experience times when we are consumed by trials – when they are bigger than our own strength can handle – is so that we have no where else to turn except towards Him. We are faced with one solution – and that is to realize Christ is our only hope! He is our solution.
After Paul wrote that his trial was bigger than his ability to endure, he offers an explanation. “But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.” (2 Corinthians 1:9) There it is! That’s the ticket! Paul recognized truth – that this overwhelming time of trouble – that he couldn’t handle alone – had caused him to focus more on the power of God and allow God to work His perfect will in Paul’s life.
And, that is God’s desired reality in our life. He wants us to fully rely on Him.
Are you being challenged beyond your ability to endure?
Don’t believe that you can do it alone! You can’t! You must not try!
Jesus said, “apart from me you can do nothing!” Did you get that point? Nothing!
Don’t try anything today without relying on the power of God! He knows you’re weak. He is available to help – if you will call upon Him! When we are at our weakest – He is strong!
(I wrote this post over 6 years ago. I have now edited it and brought it forward several times.)
You will never know how much I needed this today…but God knew and that is why he directed here.
Thank you and God bless.
No more on my plate than i can eat , I dont let the devil borrow my spoon .
Loved the post! Thanks for being real.
My husband and I are facing some difficult time together right now. We trying to adopt a child who’s been in are care for three years. Now, this may not happen because of lies from the Department of child services. We been upset every since we found out. That’s all we wanted was to raise another child after raising the first and only one for 27 years. I cried out to God and said in his words you will not put no more on than I can bare. I don’t understand because this is unbareable. Just need some answers..?
It is unbearable. But, Christ has promised you can cast your cares upon Him because He cares for you. Read the Psalms daily. When I am perplexed by this world I run to the psalms and read through and pray them to God. They were written for this purpose. Praying for you.
Do you have an article on Genesis 22:1. About how to respond to questions about God testing and how we find God’s peace/comfort in those times. Thank you.
The challenge I have with your opening statement/header is GOD WILL…God is not the one driving the car in some situations in our lives. God will allow you the choice to make decisions in your life. He is very clear as to the steps we ought to take in life and how to manage the affairs of our lives. When calamities come into our lives we have to look at the source. God is not the author of confusion so to attribute anything that is chaotic or detrimental to Him is wrong. His word is clear that we ought to mediate on His word both day and night and that it should not depart from our mouth ever. He is clear that we ought to TRUST him with all of our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding that in all of our ways we are to acknowledge him and he shall (covenant promise) direct our path. The challenge is we seek to become our own savior and then become “overwhelmed” by our own decisions. God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent. How can he say out of one breath that I am your God, Savior, Redeemer, etc and then turn around and place more on us than we can bear? That would make a massochistic and sadistic God…and He is not! When we take accountability for our own actions and when we recognize that there is an enemy who has “some” power in the earth realm then we understand who the driver of our adversities are. It’s not God! James is clear to count it all joy when we fall into divers times…for it is the testing of our faith. Well in the natural we are tested on things we have been taught. So it is in the spiritual…it would be foolish to think that God would test me on some doctoral level class work when I am only enrolled in the tenth grade. We did not discuss that…nor did you teach me that so how am I supposed to pass that test? God is love and anyone you love you do not set them up to fail or put them in situations that force them to now need you…that is the mindset of a sick and delusional person. God has provided the blueprint for every situation in our lives…where we fall short is we done read and study to show ourselves approved…and when life happens we are quick to attribute it to God…your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on God’s behalf. The key in every situation in our lives is to call on the name of the Lord and he will answer…again…a promise he made. If we open our mouth and began to declare the promises of God, if we follow the open-book blueprint he has provided then he will be an ever-present help.
Victims of terror attacks, automobile accidents, house explosions, violent crimes, etc. are usually not the cause of their tragedies/fatalities and loved ones are left behind mourning the loss or one or several family members. As a surviving family member of loved ones lost in such traumatic episodes, this is where I agree with the author’s title God WILL allow us more than we can bear (alone). I trust God and I know that I can cast my cares on Him for peace, comfort, and hope, I trust God and believe that He gives strength to the weak, I trust God and believe that He will never leave nor forsake you, I trust God and believe that He heals the brokenhearted. That does mean I can handle all that life throws at me. In HIS time, healing will come. The Word also says wait on the Lord and be of good courage. It is easy for people to over spiritualize and act as if Christians are supposed to be supernatural. Yes, we will suffer and in our suffering we are being pruned to become vessels of honor. That does not mean our suffering is not more than we can handle (alone).
I have always been taught that God will not put more on you than you can stand (bear)! You say that is not statyed anywhere in the bible. If this statement were true, why has so many good Christians committed suicide when the pressures are greater than they can stand?
I sure thought that statement was in the bible, but I do not where to find it either.
The statement as it stands alone isn't in there. God won't let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. 1 Corinthians 13. His strength is perfect. 2 Corinthians 12:9. We can cast all our cares upon Him 1 Peter 5:7. The key is alone. He won't put more on us than we can bear alone. The problem with the statement is it makes some feel they must be able to handle their trials — alone. But we can't. Apart from Him we can do nothing. John 15:5
GOD will not put more on a person than they are able, ( more than they can bear) with Gods help, he gives them a way out of their life problems, a way not to rob to pay their bills,(pay tithes God will open a window of blessings)some people want to make negative out of good.God doesn’t lie, & will give Gods people a way out, will not put or let Satan put more on a person than they are able or can bear,lets don’t forget the first commandment, to love God with all your heart, soul, & mind, & to love your neighbor as yourself.
The with God's help is the key. When that's not added it's a very discouraging and untrue phrase.
Thank you for this – I have always added to that "God must have had a case of mistaken identity where I am concerned. Hello – this is Paula, not some spiritual giant!" LOL! I totally agree with you – we must let Him walk with us or carry us in those times!
I came upon this site today because, I talked with a Pastor, and said God will not put on a person more than they can bear, he told me that is not in the bible,I said God will give the way out talking about temptation. I make the mistake thinking that person knows what I mean without me saying with Gods help,assuming they already know what I’m talking about.I forget a that a leader title of a church, or a person that believes the Christian way doesn’t always mean they automatically know what your saying, and I have to explain further that God gives a person the way out of temptation,if we seek Gods help, he gives us strength that passes all understanding.
Thank you Ron. You ought to start a Mythbusters series. I knew of this myth, and I'm glad I'm now reinforced to refute it so well, but oh-so-tactfully, only if the opp lends itself.
Thank you. Good idea.
I am of the belief when Christianity is made out to be heavily a "personal relationship with Jesus" and is made just one on one, and fellowship with others as a means to connect with Christ is ignored, then people will presume that they alone can do things and God is enough for them. Evangelism as media will lend into this.
what is the "Hopis" Holy Spirit referred to in the article?
Wow! That was quite a typo. Thanks for catching it. Corrected.
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Ain't that the truth. Trying to get through life trusting in your own strength is like flapping your arms while flying in an airplane to keep the plane flying. You're not the pilot. Less flapping, more trusting. (Thanks to Steve Patzia for that visual.)
This sounds like a problem of extended application error in popular exegesis, as with all exegetical errors, there is not enough time, effort, and/or objectivity in proper hermeneutics either. I don't go with the popular all the time either. I like to test the "interpretations" to see if they stand up to the objective standards of Scripture.
Good call
Thank you for correcting this "misquoted" verse. Have tried to gently correct friends and family and you put it in really plain wording and intrepretation. We HAVE to have God in our lives to get thru a regular day much less when the sky seems to be falling in on us.
Thank you.
When we face overwhelming suffering, we can be encouraged by the promises in Romans 8. God promises to work things out for our good, we are more than conquerers no matter how bad the situation is and nothing can separate us from His love.
I've written a blog post of how to cope when God gives us more than we can bear. You can find the post http://hweehweetan.com/will-god-allow-you-to-suff…
You know what, this post is excellent. As I write to you I dont have a single dollar in my pocket but if ever I have trusted in God then this is the time- I am at rest, at peace, I have no worry and no care- the trials I have gone through over the past few months have made me search the scriptures and you know what I found out: God is God irrespective of what one is going through-He is God. And another thing I have discovered is that even though as christians we say we trust God, we actually dont; we depend on ourselves so much; we have a fear of losing control; we want to be in control; we want to take the glory of finding out the solution, of having prayed, of having fasted, of having given a powerful seed, of having done this or that- but all Glory belongs to God- He alones deserves the glory and when challenges come I have realised the best solution lies in rest, in complete trust in God and His word-yep in rest-thats were I am now and I am enjoying every bit of it.
I'm praying for you now!
Great post! Only one thing that should be changed. The Bible tells us to resist the devil but to FLEE temptation. That's why 1 Cor. 10:13 says God will provide a way of escape in times of intense temptation. Any attempt to resist (hang around and try to overcome) temptation will end badly. Again, though, thanks for correcting a widespread misunderstanding.
Good point. Thanks.
Now what about the idea that God will not allow us to have trials beyond what we can bear? Well, that’s covered in the book of Isaiah: “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” – Isaiah 43:2-3 KJV
The key for me is that “I will be with thee”. We are not alone. Many times when this well-meaning statement is said the emphasis is on me. “God will not allow more trials than “I” can bear” You asked it in your question with the word “we”. If the emphasis is on me, I'm overwhelmed, I can't take it, the waters are too much. If the emphasis is on God, I can accomplish anything. There will be times I am in over my head, but with Christ, nothing is impossible.
I've been thinking this same thing for months! I have seen my friends post this to Facebook time and time again. But, I'm not sure that I agree with "God will never put more on us than we can bear with His help" either. That's still a little too much dependent upon "us." I believe that God will never put more on us (trials) than He can bear. We must rely solely on Him.
Good word. I like that and agree. It's all God
Thanks for this post. I myself wondered where exactly in the Bible does it say God will never put more on you than you can bare? So many people are being deceived by that myth. I use to quote it myself.
I think, too, Ron, that He gives us more than we can handle because he wants to get our attention in other areas where we are headed for disaster. For some of us, it was a time of conviction that lead to being born again. After being brought into that state of being, He sometimes uses it to grow us up.
Good word.
Interesting comment however, there are those who would disagree with you considering that fear and anxiety have been programmed into our subconscious to think they are hopeless. It is the carnal mind that needs to be overcome because this is where the battle is taking place hindering the possibility ofr faith to mature. So there is a great temptation to fear but with the lack of the understanding of scripture Christians continue to be in bondage to fear wondering why God would allow them to go through what they are going through when this responsibility solely falls on themselves. Christians beat themselves up to much and then give credit to Satan.
Thanks Sam. I don't understand how your comments disagree with mine. I'm not arguing that we don't battle our carnal mind over fear, temptation, or any of the issues that get in the way of fully trusting Christ. What I am saying is that God hasn't chosen to rid us completely of these temptations. He has promised that no trial will overcome our carnal mind. There will be times when fear overcomes us and we "feel" helpless; like we have more on us than we can bear. When those times come, what He has promised is that we can stand up to temptation; that there is more power in Christ than the sin in our flesh. We have the answer. His name is Jesus.
I found this article at a time I didn't think I could handle all that was on my plate. With several of my families medical issues, (parents, mother-in-law, some of my own medical issues, and a death in the family. Not to mention my job… which all together seemed to be causing me other issues.. all of this in the summer of 2011.. After reading this article, I had such a moment of calm. Haven't had that feeling in what seems like a long time ago… Thank you Ron Edmondson…. for helping in leading me back… God Bless You..
Thank you Jack. I pray you fall safely into the strength of Christ and let Him live His life through you. You CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens you.Also, read one of my favorite Psalms…Psalm 121God bless
I loved this!
Mr. Edmondson, my position on the above document can stand a bit of correction; the word also say if I have ot with my brother; take it to him. Now, the above information takes away from the Spirit of God;(we must wishop HIM in Spirit and in Truth).
Now by making the doctrine questionble; the word in John 14; speakes of the HOLY SPIRIT; and when Jesus went to the Cross and returned; he said that he gaves US the same power on earth as he has in heaven. And in I Cor, II Chronicle and I King; those people could not handle there own, problem; just like we cant at some point; but the Spirit that is interceeding on our behalf; is already; waiting to do; what we can’t. (GOD is always looking out for us; when we cant see).. Remember that Jesus; has us here on earth to represent him; and how could we do that if we lack faith, dont belive, do not belive that our prays will be answered and most of all; do no believe the PASS…the bible is full of all we can bare. Job..he went thru all those trials; then in just a nick of time, God said that is all, Jesus jounery to he Cross; was appointed; just like our time is. Our job is to just SERVE GOD. Then he will say well done. It is always just right on time…Mose at the river, all the folk could bare, Joseph, all he could bare. Pilate; all he could. Jesus is the Supernatural Force that Man is not in controll of…OK..
So glad you posted this. I continually hear people say this statement and I begin to think, what about people who try to hurt themselves over the loss of a loved one or what about the little kids who suffer and are killed?? These are definitely examples of trials that are beyond bearing…especially the little ones. So I have always known that if a trial or tribulation causes death…..it was definitely more than that person could handle.
God will not allow us to be tempted by Satan, but with the temptation He will make a way out for us….it's called Free Will.
This has always been my biggest pet peeve growing up in church. God absolutely will allow things in life we can’t handle so we will go to him and trust him. So we are forced to surrender and giveup control, to realize we can’t do it alone. That we are desperate for a Savior that can bear all things on our behalf.
Great post!
I also think God allows more than we can bear so that we will reach out to others and share each other's burdens and truly be the body of Christ.
I loved the article yes lots of umbilical myths being taught in more extreme churches that are not so biblical happy to see God use you In ways to clear confusion because I’m sure many who believe these myths are not biblicaly strong in faith to seek why is so and this makes them question God. May God continue to bless you to represent his kingdom. The ministry I attend is being used in a great way to show Gods truth at Calvary Chapel too and I pray that God may continue with Christians of many ministries to teach his truth.
Amen to that article!! I hear this all the time, and even my SBC Sunday School teacher told us today that he believes that falsehood. I learned the truth about this from my preacher, who frequently blasts religious myths from in the pulpit. Please listen out for this error and correct it any time you can!
Thank you Joe!
Thanks David.
"We", meaning everyone, have already shown that we cannot handle anything…without Him. So…whether it is temptations (1 Cor. 10:13), or trials and tribulations (II Cor. 1:8), without our faith placed squarely in Jesus and the Cross…we fail at everything…..alone. It is all more than we can handle…without Jesus.
This is one of my favorite verses, I like your insight on it thanks!
thank you Ron for those encourageing words.
Gopd bless you. juliet
Thank you
I guess that depends on what translation of the Bible you're using. It is in fact correct to say that God will not allow us more temptation, not trials, than we can bear, meaning we don't HAVE to ever give in to the temptation:
“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10: 13) (ESV)
Obviously we're not supposed to bear our trials and sorrow alone, and can only do it with God's help. So you're right in saying that. I guess maybe people heard that verse and played telephone with it. 🙂
Thanks for sharing Tanya.
Thank you so much!
Wow you guys have helped me today, thanks. Im so sick of people telling me that God wont give me more than I can bare!! If they lived my life at the moment they wouldnt even get out of bed!! I cant bare it alone, to be honest I call out to God but I still think I cant bare it even with him besides me, and frequently question whether he is actually beside me as Its hard to understand how he can watch me suffer so much. But, as usualy, Im fighting hard to keep my belief that Im not alone and that God has a greater plan for me. Hopefully the greater plan wont include so much suffering. So now I know, God will never allow me to be tempted so much that I cant escape the temptation but he will indeed let me suffer and he will wait for me to accept his help and he will walk along with me. Well Im begging him day and night to walk along with me and hold my hand, carry me, whatever it takes to get me through this time. So next time someone says to me "God will never give you more than you can bare" Im going to ask them to back that up with scripture and see if they draw the same conclusions as we all have. Thanks again guys.
THANK YOU SOMUCH!! I am one who has been blessed to have intimate conversation with the Wholly Spirit and when he told me that this was not a saying by God, I questioned my own sanity. I grew up southern Baptist and I have heard this said quite often. The Spirit said it to me this way. " If God would not put more on you than you can bear, why would you need Jesus?" He also clarified for me that time is a concept designed for man. I say this because when he said he was coming back, I asked when? He would only say Soon!! That was eleven years ago. Thank you for giving me this venue to share some of what has been told to me
Thanks for sharing your heart…
u blessed me with ur words.
What about the times when the trial goes on for so long, and you have cried aloud to God to be your sufficiency and get you through it, yet you get nothing, at least nothing discernable, from him? And the temptation to scream and rail at God (not the trial itself, mind you, but the temptation to let your anger at God lead you to sin) becomes more than you can withstand? The verse being quoted does not deal specifically with trials; but trials and the temptation to sin that arises from them, are linked. If God promises to carry us through the trials that are too hard for us to bear, and promises to allow a way out of all temptations, what about the times when you beg for those promises, and still get no relief?
Stephen, I have been there before. The only thing I know to say is hold on…God will come through. We are currently going through the book of Job on Sunday mornings. Feel free to follow along. http://www.gcomchurch.com/podcast I'm praying for you.
This one makes me crazy because I don't think anyone can look at life and honestly believe this is true. Plus, it's just flat out unbiblical. Thank you for addressing this. I've been thinking about doing a post on this, but you've saved me the trouble ; )
Thanks Amy. I agree…it drives me crazy as well. Thanks for your encouragement.
It's obvious by reading this, that most of the trials that alot of you have gone through haven't been for an extended time, or the trials haven't been that many, or the pain hasn't been that bad, with the exception of George and Barbara, they've been through the furnace. They know what the flames of the furnace feel like.
Because if they trials had been that bad, that painful, that enduring, that deserting, and leaving you that destitute and that broken and unrecoverable for years. You'd learn real quick just how powerful this God is that you seem to try to get to understand and know, and will defend to the death all on the basis of a foundation of faith that mind you, when Christ himself judges you, can and will decide whether or not he knows you or not. Then it's Bar-B-Q time or the Cloud Treatment.
It's been my experience and based off not only living in this life, but as well as reading through the Old Testament as well as the New Testament, that God does have one thing that he absolutely loves to pour out on his children; that being PAIN and loads of it! I mean how many father's can brag that they willfully gave their son over for a Torturous, unimaginable death, and then said it was for love! I think that is so sweet, considering I have a new born son, I can't wait to tell him that he will get to grow up, to be tortured, whipped to unimaginable hamburger meat and die, slowly. And then tell him that I love him so much that is what I brought him into the world for! I bet he'll say "WHIPPEE!, Let me do it, let me do it!" Small problem, though all man has been saved by redemption, it is still their choice to accept it. Now, what about those ding dong's that existed and died before Christ's death. What is it for them, the Bar-B-Q or the Cloud Treatment? You know, I don't think it would have been a good idea to release Human Being's in the same environment where you just put Satan. I mean, hey, didn't he just try to take over Heaven and now your putting your creation in the same aquarium with him. Guess you could say, it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure out what could happen next.
-And we question why radical Islamist blow them selves to bits and kill innocent people for "Allah"
-And we wonder why there is 15 offshoot religions based on Christianity, with all of them saying 'Yours is wrong, mine is right. Your's is a Cult, mine's not!" Why is itthe Bible is so contradictory, that none of us can have a common congruent discerning message brought from it, without arguing. Geez, go figure??
This all coming from a 36 year old Texas USA, married with 4 kids, Father, businessman, who grew up Southern Baptist till age 13, Charismatic since then, a living miracle to my Father's acceptance of Christ, I've studied it, ate it, lived it.
But just fed up with making excuses for a God who hasn't been there for not only me, but for humanity. I can have allowance for human shortcomings, but I have no grace for a POS who states repeatedly how he's there for us, but in reality he's not.
Don't believe me, read the poem "Foot prints in the Sand". Google it. If Christ is there with him the whole time, then why the hell doesn't he not know it his whole life? Oh, I know, its b/c he was being carried.
That's comforting to know. Is he carrying me right now as I question him? Inlight of death, betrayals, delays, setbacks, sufferings, abuse. So he's carrying me, or is it me telling myself that he is carrying me. Or is it me telling my kids that Santa Claus delivered the presents, when it was me who put them out. Or is he doing whatever I want him to, b/c I imagine he does, or I perceive he doesn't, or I percieve that I live off faith and I can't see it, but he's doing it?
Doesn't it say somewhere that God is not the God of confusion, but where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom and peace.
I suppose the best thing is to have an IQ of 50 and live a life that is non chalant and then we could call ourselves happy.
Bring it on Preacher's and Ph'd's, I've read the book. I just got back from church. I know what it says..
I would love you to listen to my message on Job \”the Blameless one\”. http://www.gcomchurch.com/audio-video. You obviously do not have to but I wish you would.
I have been asking this question for sooo long! How can a God who loves us, allow us to go through so much and never answer our prayers? I have begged him for years to make me whole, to take away the pain of life, or help me understand it, to help me know my purpose, to heal me. the trials of my life keep getting bigger and theres never a break. Where is he when we need him? Were supposed to praise and glorify him, how how long can you do that if Nothing good ever happens to you?
Your post could of been from me, I have felt that way for a LONG time!
Thanks for sharing and commenting.
awesome words Pastor….My Pastor preached on this some weeks ago..also laying this myth to rest. God always give God-sized assignments….things that we cant do!…..our dependence will be tottally on him
Thanks Tim!
Where is this scripture in the bible “God will never put more trials on you than you can bear”?
Honestly Mary that\’s what this whole post is about. I can\’t find that verse. It\’s not there. It says in 1 Cor 10:13 we won\’t be tempted beyond what we can bear, but God will allow trials to come severe enough that we have no choice but to trust Him. Hope this helps.
Great! Thanks!
Thank you! This was really a blessing! I saved it as a note on my iPhone! God bless you!
I think you need to be very careful calling any of God's inspired word a "myth". I never understood this scripture to mean anything else but there is always a way out. Satan can never temp us so much that we have to sin. He never promised the lack of trials in our life. BUT with His help we can overcome anything nas long as it is His will!
Thanks for your comment. No myth to the inspired word of God. Sometimes man’s interpretation of it can become one though.
Awesome post – the title grabbed my attention and I have to admit, I started reading with a bit of pessimism. However, you make a great point – God wants us to NEED Him, how can we possibly need Him if we can handle everything ourselves?
Thanks! Absolutely…the key is that God wants us dependent on Him.
Thank you so much for correcting this myth! I was just thinking of this often mis-quoted, misunderstood, & mis-interpreted verse yesterday. You are absolutely right in what you've said.
Thanks Maureen!
Hi there,
Well I am quite relieved, lol. I thought this was going to be a scary, negative and totally depressing post, but I was wrong. I have just been asked where this quote was in the Bible and it is one that I have repeated to myself often throughout life and especially these last few years of trials. I still think that God knows our limits and He is certainly not trying to punish us or, I believe, test us (if one is saved), but I do think that He wants us to grow and to grow as big as He knows we can be – Eph 2:10 "for we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has prepared in advance for us to do." I think that is certainly true for me at the moment and I am realising more and more each day what you are saying in your post, that without Him, we can do nothing and therefore the more we turn to and rely on HIm, the more growth we will enjoy and the more we will fulfill Eph 2:10 (Above – and obviously AFTER the Grace of Salvation, not for it or before it)
Thanks for the explanation.
God Bless.
Thanks Robert. I totally agree. I guess you should consider yourself blessed that God knew your limits were wide and that you had more capacity to trust Him!
God bless…praying for you.
For a young girl that was raped….when people say "God will not put more on you than you can bear" makes my angry. Thank you for putting this myth to rest.
1 Cor 10:13
13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it].
That’s a great verse but it’s not talking about trials. It’s talking about temptation. Look at Elijah in 1 Kings 19 or Jesus in His humanity being strngthened by the angels or Paul in 2 Cor 1. The main point is that we sometimes have a false idea with this saying that somehow there is something inside of us that can handle the struggles of life on our own because God will not put more on us than WE can bear. We can bear anything with Christ but apart from His grace we can so nothing. Scripture says that too!
Thanks for commenting
Marvelous! It's great to find kindred spirits. I too am a Christian Myth Buster. This, along with, "We're not to question God", "Where two or three are gathered together he's in the midst" (out of context), "The more people you get praying, the more able you are to get God's attention"…… it amazes me how many ways we make the Word of God to no effect because of our traditions.
I like yours. I’ve written others on my devotional site. Another favorite is “God helps those who help themselves”. I may expand on one of these if you don’t mind. Thanks!
Years ago, in the midst of an unexplained illness, financial turmoil, and a horrible marriage, I collapsed onto my bed in tears, rather convinced that God was toying with me like a cat with a mouse, and said, “You’ve got me right where you want me, don’t You?” Then I buried my head cause I knew I’d overstepped my bounds with that question. Yet He answered me with gentleness, and I’ll never forget what He said: “Yes, I do have you right where I want you: hopelessly, helplessly needful of Me.”
That's a great place to be, isn't it? (Doesn't always seem that way at the time.)
No — it is NOT a great place to be. At no point, place or time in any one's life.
Flipping through the channels here on the internet, so to speak, I came across this glorious, much needed blog. God is sending many different events and people, as well as places of knowledge across my path right now. Some may know, my husband and I had a very hard time economically, last year. (If this is witnessing, i guess that's what I'm doing, but I hope what I'm about to say will help others) Freakishly, my leader of a ladies comm. group came across an announcement that Angela Thomas was going to be very near us, in January. John made some extra money one week, and bless him, he said you need to go to that; and I did. My life, since the 16th has taken another blessed, remarkable turn. I found out, even though I thought I was giving it all over to our Father, I wasn't. I tried what Angela suggested, and I got on my knees with my hands stretched up to heaven, and poured my heart out to God. I gave everything I had from our piggy bank to a very worth cause at GCC 2 weeks ago. Since then, job offers are coming in; I helped out at the Dunn Center with my 4 year old grand-son, who greatly impressed several students by the way; and Angela said if you're living on man-made resolutions to take care of mental short-comings (not in those exact words), you might want to think about giving it to God and let him help you out. As of Monday, I did that. I quit taking my man-made resolution, and I have 10000% faith that God is going to heal me. I've never felt like this before. It is not easy! AND IT IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY! But in my situation, God is healing the part of my brain that has the short-coming. But today, was extremely horrible for me and my Father sent people across my path to help me out and make suggestions. I am following the suggestion, and I have to tell you I'm at peace! I have to tell you, people, that if you are not giving it to our (yes our) Father, you're not going to make it coming out peaceful at the end. We can not! do this alone! GCC has helped me find that out! I have an intimate love with our Father and he is getting me through this. My dream desire of a mission I had given up on years ago, is now going to happen, because of some new missions that Grace will be encountering soon. Have you ever been so excited about something that you want to MAKE others get excited? That's the way I feel right now. I am so excited about my love for God, I want everyone out there to feel the same way. I had to fall on my face and body, before I realized I can't do it alone. And neither can you. Ron, God is greatly using you as one of the persons that will continue to cross my path with much needed, "next step lessons" I guess you could call it. I know you're up to the challenge. Thank you again, Ron
I just read this. Thank God. I have believed this for such a long time. Many do not agree with me. I am so thankful to God you put the verses that go with this. I shared on facebook because I want others to see this. You explain it so clearly. I pray you get to read this “thank you”. God bless .
Thank you, Judy.
Mr. Edmondson, I challenge you to show me where in the Bible God WILL allow more than you can bear.
Here are a couple:
The angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.” 1 Kings 19:7
We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. 2 Corinthians 1:8-9
The key is that we are to rely on Him, not on our own abilities. Jesus said in John 15:5 “we could do nothing apart from Him”.
He will not give us more “temptation” than we can bear – alone:
1 Cor 10 says, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”
And I’m not the only one who believes this:
Was preparing a message one time a few yrs back when the Spirit spoke to my heart and said why would you preach that it’s not my word. so I corrected the church, and apologized for us preachers who sometimes get a little off. Seemed like some were really set free that day. Imagine that. The truth will set you free.
Junior, don’t you love how God continues to shape us over time?
Thanks for smackin’ that myth, Ron. I needed that. With much appreciation.
Kerry Bural
Thank you for your page. I have been having a very hard time with that scripture and feeling like a failure as a christian because I felt like I am not strong enough. I lost my sister to cancer and then my baby sister in a wreck and this June I lost my oldest child and everyone kept saying God would not put more on me than I could bear. Tonight I decided to start searching to see if it was scripture and I know that God led me to your page and it has helped to take away the guilt of feeling like a bad christian because I am having such a hard time dealing with the loss of my child.
Barbara, thank you for sharing your story. You certainly have been through a horrible time. Please know God loves you with an everlasting love. Bad things happen, often because we live in a very bad world. Praise God He is coming one day to redeem us from this brokenness. Praying for you.
Thank you for sharing this, I have always asked where that is in the bible. Now i know 🙂
I don’t think it is bad theology, I recieved a lot from the post. I think that somewhere down the line a statement was made and people just ran with it.
If we think about it alot of things come up in our life that we can’t bear (alone). The death of my son was an instance, alone I felt like I would bust, I felt hopeless and lifeless holding my premature son no bigger than the palm of my hand, one great saint of God who I do respect but don’t agree with on wordage said you know all things work together for good.
I was like, FOR GOOD, how is this good, I am holding my lifeless son in my hands and you are saying somehow this will be good, (I wanted to punch them in the face) because I really couldn’t bear it.
But with the strength of Christ and I was able to cope. When we try to bear it we get compacted between all the mess I think that is why Christ said “come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest” “Cast all your care on me, because I care for you” “I also think, and hopefully it is not bad theology, but when he said “my yoke is easy and my burden is light” he was calling us not to deal with the weight and burden but he wanted to deal with it.
So in short we all have stuff on us that is more than WE can bear, but with the help and sustainable power of God we can make it because he will carry the baggage…Hopefully I have made some sense in my ramblings.
Thank you for shattering those Christian myths. I really do need Jesus to bear most of the garbage Satan throws my way. I simply can’t imagine my life without the guidance and power of Jesus.
What a wonderful post. Thank you.
Good word.
Great thoughts, Bro, really strong!
dude. Yes!
Thanks for writing this. It should be must-read and, more importantly, must-understand for all Christians.
Wow, what great timing. Thanks for writing this, I appreciate your perspective. Someone actually said this to me today, and I thought “If I hear this one more time, I’m going to scream!” I had always assumed this myth to be true, until my recent heartbreak. I’m so grateful for the many loving people who did their very best to offer words of encouragement to me. However, “un-truths” like this one just don’t offer much comfort to someone who is in the middle of “handling more than they can bear.” It IS a comfort to know that I don’t have to endure this alone.
“Gos is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
Thanks for writing this Ron. Hope you don’t mind if I clip a few words and post a link in my blog, because it’s right on target for my readers. When I’m visiting with someone who’s in over their head, I don’t argue with them if they are clinging to this myth to keep them going (or many others that we seem to use in times of trouble), but like you, many have been the times when I recognize that a situation is way too big for me and that only God can deal with it.
So what you are saying is that God will allow more than you can bear alone, but God will not allow more than you can bear with Christ’s help?
Thank you for this – I have always added to that “God must have had a case of mistaken identity where I am concerned. Hello – this is Paula, not some spiritual giant!” LOL! I totally agree with you – we must let Him walk with us or carry us in those times!
Obviously not all agree with what I’m saying here. Some are stuck on the myth. One comment on Facebook called it “bad theology”. I just want someone to show me the Scripture that proves the myth.
Yes, I agree it can be said, “God will not put more on you that you can bear with Him”. That’s really the point. Christ wants our total and complete dependence on Him. For years I heard this taught and I was always left wondering, “well what’s wrong with me?” I thought it must be my faith was not strong enough or that I was doing something wrong. But, in fact, it really isn’t about me. To think that something inside of me could handle everything God allows to come in my life puts a lot of emphasis on me and my abilities. The focus should be on God and His strength. When I am weak, He is strong. (2 Cor 12:7-10). It is HIS grace that is sufficient, not my ability to stand up under the pressure. When I am stripped of my dependence on self I can fully trust His power. I must decrease. He must increase. (John 3:30)
I always knew that was not true, cause it didn't set right in me. I remember Jesus telling the Rulers that they put more 'on the people THEN THEY CAN BARE.' BUT wouldn't touch the burden themselves. So I always said' GOD may not put on us more then we can bare, but the devil and people will!' The Lord does allow crushing blows. I think people have used that unbiblical statement to get out of the obeying of the word which says; 'bare one anothers burdens, support the weak..and many commands. It is a cop out to see another human suffering then use a cliche! I was dying of Graves disease and lost everything, and people would not lift a finger to help, but would say that 'God won't put on you more then you can bare…hahaha. I did receive gifts from the Lord during this. Oh yeah the escape from temptation in that verse is referring to sexual immorality, and not a general temptations…because the next statement refers to 'can you take fire to your breast and not be burned?'
Thank you for your testimony.
So Awesome.