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Ron Edmondson

I Danced At Church Yesterday

By Church, Family, Marriage

We are in the middle of a family series and I was talking yesterday about marriage and specifically the need to commit ourselves to making marriage work. My co-pastor Chad and his wife sang while Cheryl and I danced. It was a visual picture of the leadership of the church admitting that marriage is tough, but our commitment to make it work is what can make a marriage strong.

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The Things You Do For Love

By Family, Funny, Marriage

Today was my long mow day. I have to mow my lawn at least once a week, but about once every three or four weeks I have to get my push mower out and mow places I cannot get to with my riding mower. One of these places is with the Magnolia tree in my back yard. This is Cheryl’s favorite tree in the whole world, but it is the tree that may one day cause me to lose my Christianity. We have been told it may be the largest and one of the oldest Magnolia trees in the city. Cheryl does not want me cutting any branches on it and it is almost impossible get under to mow, even with my push mower.

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Quiet! Be Still! (Words of Jesus We Need To Hear)

By Devotional, Encouragement, Faith

Consider this question: What if your biggest problems are really just an easy fix for Him, but you have never trusted Him enough to work His will? Sometimes we underestimate His power and His love. Sometimes He has the solution, but we are too busy trying to find it without Him that we never get to His solution for us. James wrote in the Bible, “You don’t have because you don’t ask…”. Could that be your problem today?

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Relationship-Based Verses Program-Based Ministry

By Church

If done well, I believe relationship-based ministry has a better potential to enhance real life change. I realize my program-based ministry friends would say that their programs have the same intent as our relationship-based ministry and I agree. I also realize our relationship-based ministry relies on a certain amount of programs to administer relationship development, but the major difference is the shift in primary focus from developing and managing programs to developing and encouraging relationships.

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