I once wrote that growth covers over a multitude of problems. (Read that post HERE.) I know many organizations and people that mistakenly believe for a time (before it catches up with them) that busyness means things are moving in the right direction. That may or may not be true, but success always depends more on the type of activity than on the quantity of activity.
There is something special about knowing people are praying for you. Cheryl received a text from someone recently wanting to know if we were okay. This sweet prayer warrior had been woken at 4:30 AM that morning with an overwhelming sense that we needed prayer. It was the same morning we received the news that my father had passed away unexpectedly. What an awesome encouragement!
I’m working on some blog posts, messages, and perhaps even a book on fathering. I’m especially interested in addressing the absence of a strong father figure in a person’s life, since I see it as a huge scar in many people’s life.
You can help me with this part of my ministry. Please consider completing my survey on fathering. It’s quick and easy and all responses are anonymous.
Sometimes you have to laugh. I don’t normally laugh at comic strips…or share them…but something about these seemed funny at time so I decided to share them. The picture was in the same email…and what’s not to love about it. Hope they produce an afternoon smile!
I love to challenge ideas; even my own. I have to be careful how I challenge them, but I think the best ideas have undergone serious critical thinking prior to introduction.
While I do not know Dave Baldwin personally, I have grown to have tremendous respect for him as a leader. Whenever Dave comments on one of my posts, his response is thoughtful and helpful. He is apparently the type leader I would want on my team or one whose team I would want to serve. You can follow Dave on Twitter HERE.
Patricia Zell is a frequent commenter on my blog. I especially appreciate those who take the time not only to read the posts I write, but participate in the discussion of them. Patricia and I have commented back and forth before about her role as a teacher. She made comments, such as, “I’m not necessarily a leader, but as a teacher…”, to which I always reply something such as, “That sounds like a leader to me.” If we believe that leadership is about influence, then teachers are some of the most influential leaders we have. They certainly impact our society in a powerful way. In my life, some of my biggest influencers have been teachers. You can follow Patricia on Twitter HERE.
In response to David being a man after God’s own heart, I’ve heard people say, “Yea, that that was said before the Bathsheba incident.” I’ve heard people write off his witness after that period of failure in David’s life. It is true that David failed…he failed big time, but I don’t believe that David’s heart really ever changed. I think he died with the same passion with which he lived. I think he had a heart that desired to please and honor God even after the Bathsheba incident.
That’s how we planted a church. We looked for people who were influencers within a circle of friends to find a core of people to start our church and we invested in them and released them to lead in the church. We continue to invest in influencer type people that come to our church to lead our ministry. I have personally looked for influencer type people to add to our staff.
I’m curious what you do with anonymous criticism. I don’t really have a policy and I feel I must establish one. I realize that growth in any organization and just being in a position of leadership welcomes critics. The debate I’ve always heard, however, is what to do with anonymous criticism. I don’t appreciate critics who want sign their name, but since it’s part of leadership, here’s how I currently react: