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Ron Edmondson

7 Obstacles to Progress

By Funny, Leadership

Life’s not fair sometimes…is it?

Progress at any cost just isn’t available these days. Thanks to people and their set of values, playing by the rules has become a necessity…at least according to some. You may be able to fool people for a while, but you have to be transparent, authentic and genuine to be seen as a good leader these days.

What’s the world coming to?

So many things get in the way of attaining “real” progress and success.

Here are 7 examples that come to mind:

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Friday Discussion: Importance of Being Healthy

By Culture, Encouragement

I’m using the LoseIt application. I’ve downloaded it on my iPhone, iPad and laptop. It keeps up with my calorie intake and my exercise each day. Some of those closest to me have picked on me for how intense I’ve been. Someone saw me recently looking to put a few M & M’s in the app. I didn’t eat a whole package.

I’m not tremendously overweight, but over the last year or so I’ve picked up an extra 8 to 10 pounds and I can feel it. It’s impacted my running, which is my way to relax. It’s made my clothes tighter. It’s made me more conscious about what I wear. More than that, I just haven’t felt as good as I did before I gained the few extra pounds. It’s really affected the quality of my life. I’m determined to get back to my ideal weight. As busy as I am, I can’t afford anything that slows me down that I can control.

I know health is a touchy subject. Some people have medical issues that keep them from exercise. Others have dietary concerns. I don’t mean to offend anyone who may be overweight. For me, however, this is an important issue. My physical health seems to impact every other part of my life, so if I can do something about it, I feel almost an obligation to be healthy. I realize I may be in a minority among some pastors, so I am curious enough to make it a Friday discussion topic.

Consider these questions:

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Leadership Evaluation Summary & Observations 2011

By Church, Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Team Leadership

Recently I posted about the annual review process where our team evaluates the leader…me. (You can read more about that process in the initial post HERE.) I ask the staff to anonymously evaluate my performance as a leader. After a few weeks to answer, we met yesterday for lunch to go over the responses.

I was nervous about their responses this year, because our growth and the personal life changes have stretched me this past year. This year, unless they told me separately, I was not able to tell who said what in the evaluation, so it was good feedback without taking reading anything into the responses based on personalities.

Below are the questions and the most repeated answers.

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