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Ron Edmondson

Scripture Memorization, Week 21

By Christians, Devotional, Encouragement

For the next several weeks, the memory verse will be from Romans, looking at what has been called “The Roman Road”. I am not one who believes it takes a formula to be saved, it takes a change of heart, believing in the One God raised from the dead…Jesus…but sometimes a script can help a person process through what seems to be complex information. That’s what the Roman Road has done for many.

Romans has been described as one comprehensive look at what it means to be a believer; from start to finish. If you study this book well, you’ll have a great understanding of who you are in Christ.

Here is this week’s memory verse:

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7 Things Forgiveness IS…

By Encouragement

Yesterday I posted 7 Things that Forgiveness is NOT. It seems appropriate to also post 7 things that forgiveness IS.

I often wonder if the reason we don’t forgive as we should is because we don’t understand the subject well enough.

Here are 7 things that forgiveness IS:

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A Life Message: Asking the Right Question

By Encouragement, Life Plan, Vision

A met with a young man recently who is passionate about growing in his relationship with God, being a better husband and father, becoming more active in the church and community and excelling in his work.

He’s sensing an internal, self-induced tension to do more and be better in each area of his life.

His question to me was basically, how can he balance all the things he wants to do or feels he needs to be doing?
I certainly understood the question. It’s a pressure I’ve experienced many times in my life, especially during certain seasons. In fact, I’m sensing it again as I entered the empty-nester phase of life.

I gave him one word of advice that has helped me during those seasons. Perhaps you need to hear this as well….

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5 Types of Church Visitors

By Church, Church Planting

One thing pastors love is church visitors. Really, what we like even more is church visitors who become regular church attenders, but that process starts with visitors. It’s always a mystery why some visit and never come back. The reasons may be the subject of another post, but one thing I’ve learned, much of the chance for return depends on what type of visitor the visitor happens to be.

I have discovered there are basically 5 types of visitors to a church:

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3 Stumbling Blocks to Moving Forward

By Life Plan

Do you seem to struggle to get where you hope to get in life? Do you watch as others accomplish their dreams, but yours never seem to materialize?

In my experience, there are a few common reasons people are held back from accomplishing their dreams, even their God-given dreams.

Here are 3 stumbling blocks to moving forward:

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