Tweet Our boys are grown. Cheryl and I enjoy empty-nesting. I remember a few times when the boys were little that we were stuck at the house and couldn’t go…
Tweet Our boys are grown. Cheryl and I enjoy empty-nesting. I remember a few times when the boys were little that we were stuck at the house and couldn’t go…
Have you ever tried to lead someone who didn’t want to be led? The same children that were labeled “strong-willed” by their parents often grow up to be strong-willed adults. Perhaps you know one…perhaps you are one.
Tweet Cheryl and I had a model for our parenting. Whenever I say that to people they hear “complicated”. It wasn’t. We aren’t complicated people. Simply put, we attempted to…
Tweet I was talking to another dad. We were comparing notes. Both of us are empty nesters. We equally recognized that being the parent of adult children is sometimes more…
Tweet I have had conflict most of my life between what I think I want and what I really need. My suspicion is there are many people that share this…
Tweet I don’t know a lot of dads who don’t want to improve in their role as dad. I grew up most of my years at home without a father…
Tweet Parenting is hard. I have two wonderful adult children, but I’m still wondering why God blessed us with such grace. Looking back, I’ve learned there are a few principles,…
It has been a couple weeks since I dropped our youngest son Nate off at college. He is attending Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Our oldest son is a senior at Austin Peay State University and is living at home to save money this last year. Nate is our first to change cities of residence and he is 8 hours from home. In the process of him leaving I have learned a few things:
Tweet Twenty things good dads do… They challenge. When the challenge comes from dad we listen seriously. We know its being said with a loving concern. They inspire. Great dads…
Tweet Mother Is there a sweeter word in the English language? Maybe your word is: Mom Maybe your word is: Momma Or, many of the tousands of words in any…