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Team Leadership

Tips for Leading Older, and Often Wiser, People

By Church Planting, Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Team Leadership

In my first management position, I was a 19 year-old college sophomore working full-time and leading a small staff of four people in the men’s clothing area of a major department store. I was placed in the position almost by default, because the previous manager left unexpectedly and I was there and eager to lead. Everyone working for me was older than I was, including one man who was in his sixties.

Today, even though I have aged considerably since then, I continue to be in a position where people older than me, with more experience than I have in many areas, report to me by position. Since I work with many pastors and church planters who are starting out in their ministry and will likely encounter the same experience with either volunteers or paid staff, I am hoping this will be helpful information.

Here are 7 tips for leading people older than you:

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7 Things Healthy Teams Refuse to Allow

By Church, Leadership, Life Plan, Organizational Leadership, Team Leadership

After a recent staff meeting, I was thinking about what makes our team at Grace Community Church healthy. I’ve written about healthy teams before HERE and HERE among other posts. I think healthy teams are intentionally created, so I’m consistently trying to make our environment better. My current thoughts have led me to believe that in our case, it’s as much about what we don’t have on our team as what we do have.

I think our team works well together because we get along well with each other. (Most of the time.) It may have to do with what we check at the door when we spend time together.

Here are 7 things healthy teams check at the door:

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