Tweet I am thankful for the people who invested in me and made me a better leader. When I became a leader, I had no clue what I was doing….
Tweet I am thankful for the people who invested in me and made me a better leader. When I became a leader, I had no clue what I was doing….
Tweet I have seen dumping responsibilities on people and calling it delegation. This form of delegation does more harm than good for an organization. It leaves projects undone or completed…
Tweet I like to lead leaders, so I prefer to be a macro-manager. This means I try to cast the vision for a team and get out of the way, releasing…
Tweet The unwritten organizational rules are just as, if not more, important than the written rules. I wrote about this idea HERE. If you are considering making changes, implementing something…
Tweet The unwritten rules are the real rules. In any organization, what is maintained and repeated becomes a part of culture. The way people do things, decisions are made, and…
Tweet I must admit I have a good number of pet peeves in leadership. If I had to name my top leadership pet peeve – it would have to be…
Tweet Being a leader isn’t easy. With every decision a leader makes someone is happy – and someone is not. One often misunderstood reason leadership is challenging is the tension…
Tweet Someone once messaged me on Twitter to ask, “What words of advice do you have for a new leader? I’m beginning my first pastoring role after years in student…
Tweet I have been in leadership roles for over three decades now. I’ve led large and small teams in business, government, church and nonprofits. Along the way, I’ve learned there…
Tweet One of my first managers frequently reminded us no one is irreplaceable. He would use the illustration of placing your hands in a bucket and then pulling them out….