Someone in our community group reminded me recently of a parenting phenomenon that I experienced firsthand. Perhaps you did also. My friend is living through her first “terrible threes”. She has a three year old trying her patience. As with so many others (most it seems), it’s not the “terrible twos” that is a problem…it’s the “terrible threes”.
Tweet Guys, can I be honest with you? Marriage can be hard. Did you know that already? Sometimes you do the wrong thing before you even knew you did the wrong…
Tweet People ask me all the time for advice on raising girls, and honestly, I’ve got some, but I’m not even sure they’d work. I always wanted a daughter, but…
Tweet As part of a relationship series, I share how the quality of the words in a relationship always impact the quality of the relationship. Love Helps – Words from…
If you were sitting in my office, however, I would attempt to draw this diagram on my dry erase board. I hope you can get past the crude drawing to get to the intended meaning, because it really is important to understand in shaping a marriage.
Tweet As believers, our goal should be oneness in all relationships. Join me for an explanation. Love Helps – Oneness from ron edmondson on Vimeo.
Tweet Sometimes we make it harder than it has to be. One of the best and easiest strategies to helping couples grow their marriage is to practice and apply these…
Tweet There are 2 critical assumptions in a marriage relationship. I mean critical. And, dangerous assumptions to make. Making these two assumptions and not understanding the gravity of them can…
Tweet I shop with my wife. There. I said it. I’m sorry guys. Do I lose my man card? I have sometimes been criticized by other men that say I…
Tweet What would I do differently I were raising my family again? I’ve been asked several times recently for my advice on raising a family. The only advice I have…