Tweet I’ve always been considered a disciplined person. There are certain disciplines that have made me who I am today. In especially busy or stressful times of life, however, I…
Tweet I’ve always been considered a disciplined person. There are certain disciplines that have made me who I am today. In especially busy or stressful times of life, however, I…
I’m talking about those who just can’t look on the bright side of an issue. They always see the negative side instead of the positive side. They choose not to live by faith, but instead by failure. They love to stop a dream by pointing out all the things, which could go wrong.
Tweet Be aware of the elasticity of your heart. I’ve learned through hard lessons that a stretched heart never returns exactly the same. The Bible says, “Above all else, guard…
Inactivity rarely produces anything…
Waiting on God doesn’t always mean doing nothing…
Jesus said, “My time has not yet come” (John 2:4)… He was in a time of waiting…yet He continued to act on what He could do…
Do what you know to do today…
Take initiative towards change you know you should make…
In Joshua 3 they had to get in the water before it started to part…You may have to get in the water first, before you start to see results…
Create action…it is often then God begins to reveal the destination He is taking you towards…
What action do you need to take today?
I can imagine the “wonder” going on in Bethlehem shortly after the birth of Christ. There was great wonder in the naming of this baby. Jesus, which means “salvation of God”, was not something someone like Joseph and Mary typically would have named their son. Talk about high hopes for your children!
Tweet and find out what pleases the Lord. Ephesians 5:10 NIV One of my life goals has been to get to a blank piece of paper stage in my walk…
Tweet Here’s a challenge you’ve likely heard before, but may need to practice again. For a month, read a Proverbs everyday. There are 31 Proverbs – enough to fill the…
I often encounter people who want to begin a daily quiet time, but they aren’t sure how. It really isn’t as complicated as we often make it out to be. The main thing is simply to do something, but in case you are one of those still wanting to but not sure how…
Here are 5 easy steps to begin a daily quiet time:
Tweet If God gives you influence the enemy gives you attention! We shouldn’t be surprised when we see pastors and church leaders struggle. They are human – imperfect humans. I…
Whatever you are holding on to tighter than your faith, I believe Jesus would say, “Pick up your mat and walk!” Trust Him with that in which you currently trust the most. Permit Him to see you through the difficult days of life. Allow Him to carry your burdens, strengthen your walk and brighten your hope for the future. He is still the Miracle Maker, and He can still heal a broken heart.