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Business Advice From Mom

By Business, Change, Culture, Leadership

Recently I received some great business advice from my mom. Please understand that my mom is retired from over 40 years of work in the business world, but she is usually not the first person I would think of for business advice. I mean, she is smart, no doubt about that, but she is my mom. I go to Warren Buffett for business advice. I go to my mom when I cannot find my recipe for cornbread.

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10 Things I Learned from my First Marathon

By Culture

I completed my first marathon today, the Rocket City Marathon in Huntsville, Alabama. I registered in September and began a training program that would help me get ready by mid December. I kept on schedule through my 18-mile run, but then life got crazy and I was not able to run much the last four weeks before the race. I had considered not running, but decided I had worked too hard and so I pressed into it and finished. The first question I get is “Would I do another one?” The answer is yes, but I have learned a few things about marathons that I would do differently if I did another one.

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