Ultimately the goal of the believer should be to become a disciple, a follower of Christ. When one truly sets his or her focus on being like Christ he or she will become a “self-feeder” and seek after the deeper truths of the faith, more intimacy with Christ, greater fellowship with other believers and a more intense love for others. We believe following this strategy of Gather/Commit/Serve is the best we can offer to help a person become a disciple.
I am becoming a student of Strengths Finder. This personality reviewer gives a person insight into his or her “signature themes” of strengths or behaviors that help drive a person. Over the next few days I will share my individual themes in an afternoon post. Hopefully this will give insight into some of what makes me the way I am and even a clue as to why I may blog about what I blog about.
Titles to me are too specific. They seem to indicate a defined area of focus. I realize some people need that for clarity, but I prefer a job description to a title. I like for a person to understand the goals and objectives for the position, and even more than that, the overall vision of the organization and for them to realize how they are part of the organization’s success. That is hard to capture in a specific job title.
I love being able to respond to opportunities as they present themselves. I am not talking about possibilities. I am referring to legitimate opportunities, things that the organization should and wants to take advantage of when they come available. (Read HERE for a post explaining the difference in possibilities and opportunities.)
My blog is written as a part of what I sense to be the call of God on my life. I have been called to be a Kingdom-builder and this blog gives me an opportunity to expand my ministry beyond my local church. I want to continue to make it better and meet the needs and desires of my readers. It will help me do that better if I know more about you. That’s why I have created my first ever reader survey.
I don’t know about you, but watching this is a little scary for me. I do not want the government controlling the oil companies. Do you?
Here’s a quick encouragement to help you have a great week.
Spend the first 30 minutes of your workweek pre-planning for the week. Follow these steps:
As a part of my Master’s in Organizational Leadership from Eastern University I am to conduct a qualitative research project. I wrote about the master’s program in yesterday’s post. Read it HERE. I decided to survey the spiritual health of our church by asking a cross-section of people questions about their own spiritual maturity and growth.
I think Paul is saying to the Corinthians, “You see the immoral culture around you. You don’t have to participate. You can’t choose to be different. You have the ability to flee temptation.” I believe we can love the people of the culture without falling into the sins of the day. It’s a challenge, one that I struggle with daily, but one that is made possible by Christ’s power working in us.
As a leader, I have learned that there are times with the criticism is dead-on and something I need to hear and other times when I need to dismiss it and continue in the direction I feel God has led me to go. Knowing when to accommodate the critic and when to ignore the criticism is a careful balance leaders face often.