If you are going to lead – wouldn’t you want to lead in a way which creates value in the lives of others and the organizations you lead? I think this would be true for all of us.
The older I get and the longer I lead the less I care about personal recognition and ther more important it is to me that what I’m doing as a leader really matters. Of course, I want to first and foremost honor Christ with my life, but I believe doing so means I would desire to add genuine value to others in my leadership.
How do we do that?
Here are 10 ways to add value as a leader:
Be open to challenge. Everyone has an opinion and they aren’t usually afraid to share it if given an opportunity. Granted, sometimes they do so in less than gracious ways – and that can sting a little. Actually, it can sting a lot. But, you demonstrate humility when you open yourself to correction. Humility is an attractive trait for leaders.
Quickly share credit. You didn’t get where you are without the help of others. Leaders do well to recognize this regularly.
Notice what is missing. The leader should consistently be in a development mindset for the organization. No one else will dream bigger dreams for the organization than you. This shouldn’t translate into never being satisfied or failing to celebrate current success, but leaders should consistently help people see future potential.
Generously offer praise. People appreciate being appreciated.
Remain accessible to people. You may not always be available – there is only so much time in a day, but you can be accessible to people, especially those closest to your leadership. It shows you value them.
Embrace change. I am not sure there is leadership without change. When the leader fails to allow things stall for the organization, but also for individuals within it.
Condemn slowly. There are plenty of critics in the world. Leaders do best when they are cheerleading more than fault-finding.
Diligently protect your character. The character of the leader impacts the character of the organization – which impacts everyone in the organization.
Serve others. Jesus said the greatest must be a servant. So it goes for leaders who add value to others.
Take risks. People will be willing to take risks only when leadership is out front, leading with faith, vision and courage.
Any you would add to my list?
Two points that I would add to this list:
1. Share leadership. This is similar to sharing credit. However, also understand that a key to teamwork is empowering people to step up and be leaders when needed. Don’t even try to do everything yourself.
2. Do your homework. Ask a lot of questions. Just like you can’t do everything by yourself, you can’t know everything, either. When you go to a meeting or talk to your team members, be relevant.
Thanks for the list. I hope even more gets added.
Great additions.
Really all this boils down to one word – serve.
Love it.
— Be transparent
— Demonstrate expertise and mentor others
— Cutivate a heart of learning
Good adds.
….matters of character…is so important, without this, everything else is a waste!
This is a great list, thanks for sharing!
Twitter: johnmarkharris
As usual, home run… how do you find the time!? srsly
Discipline my friend.Ron EdmondsonGrace Community Churchhttp://about.me/ronedmondson
Twitter: ericspeir
These are some great thoughts here. I like the idea about being slow to condemn. It's easy for us as leaders to point the finger or want to fix a problem in someone's life. I'm learning to try to be more graceful and to error on the side of mercy. If not, I might be the person needing mercy one day. The Bible reminds us that we reap what we sow. I would rather sow some grace in someone's life in case I need it some day!
Absolutely Eric. I love you introducing the sowing/reaping principle. So true.
Twitter: jonathanpearson
Be supportive in public. If there's an issue, address behind closed doors. Otherwise, support your people. Great list, Ron!
Thanks Jonathan! I appreciate who you are as a young leader!
Love your blog. Always find things of practical value.
I would add "Be willing to ask for ideas and insight". People cherish the leader asking for their perspective on issues where they can add value. It creates ownership and demonstrates approachability and willingness to listen.
Be the consistent encourager in the group. Many times people need help finding the positive.. the leader is one who points to the bright spot. There is always a bright spot, it's just sometimes hard to see.
Great thoughts Ron! printed these out for me to see on a daily basis.