I’m a dreamer. I always want to do more with life. I believe dreams are a healthy way to stretch the mind, keep a person growing, and even stay emotionally healthy. (“Where there is not vision, the people perish.”) On a recent plane ride I jotted down ten goals that I still have for my life. God willing, I’m going to spend my life dreaming they come true!
1. Train young leaders to be “giant killers” for the Kingdom of God.
2. Help hurting pastors be restored to vibrant ministry.
3. See dying churches revitalized.
4. Help Cheryl fulfill her dreams; and help her dream bigger dreams for herself!
5. Watch more boys marry godly women.
6. Become a granddad! (I’ll take number 5 first, but I’ll be ready!)
7. Travel to Africa and Asia.
8. See patriotism restored as a personal value for all Americans.
9. Accept fully Christ’s love and forgiveness (with no regrets from the past).
10. Hear “Well done, my good and faithful servant!”
What dreams do you have for your life? What are your current goals? Feel free to share them here.
I would like for my boyfriend and I get back together. We have been together for four years and broke up almost two weeks ago. Ever since we broke up he has been going down a bad path. I wish that we get back together and I can help him get back on the right path, get our family back together, and stop crying every night becuase I will finally be back home where I belong. His name is Gary and he has a 13 almost 14 year old son that I have became very fond of, I feel that Wyatt, his son, is apart of me, like he is almost mine. I don’t know it is had to explain. Once we are back together everything else I believe will fall back into place. We can go ahead and plan our wedding, begin kids of our own, and lead them in the right way, the path of the Lord. Also, I wish that Gary’s mom gets the strength to make it through all of this. She wants us back together as well, and she is constantly worrying about Gary because he is not making good decisions here lately. It is really putting a damper on her health, she had a mild heartattack last Tuesday night. The quicker that we get back together, the longer the life I believe mama would have.
Hmm my first two are the same as Michael’s… not the 3rd one though because I’m not across the hall from you! LOL
Also, one day I want to go to Austria and adopt (I don’t want to adopt from Austria though! LOL)
I also want to be the BEST Mother-in-Law EVER… you know, one who is caring and willing to help but not intrude. One who loves her grandkids unconditionally and one who’s daughter and son in law(s) can look up to and consider me to be their friend. What I wouldn’t GIVE for in-laws like that!
I also want to meet Sarah Palin.
see my marriage FINISH STRONG
see my kids fall more in love with jesus and Serve HIM!
see Ron stop throwing things at me across the hall