Have you ever tried to lead someone who didn’t want to be led? The same children that were labeled “strong-willed” by their parents often grow up to be strong-willed adults. Perhaps you know one…perhaps you are one.
Have you ever tried to lead someone who didn’t want to be led? The same children that were labeled “strong-willed” by their parents often grow up to be strong-willed adults. Perhaps you know one…perhaps you are one.
Tweet What are some principles for healthy discipline of children? That’s a question I’m consistently asked about as pastor. I am not an expert – and every family is unique,…
Tweet This is a tribute to the moms without children – of their own. I’ve posted this thought a number of times through the years, because I’m always sensitive to…
Have you ever tried to lead someone who didn’t want to be led? The same children that were labeled “strong-willed” by their parents often grow up to be strong-willed adults. Perhaps you know one…perhaps you are one.
Tweet In August of every year, I see the posts and get the emails. Parents are dropping off their kids at college – and, it’s hard. Sending a child to…
Tweet I love being a dad. I have a lot of titles, but this is one of my favorites. What if we reverse the role this Father’s Day? What if…
Tweet Occasionally a young father will come to me wanting to know how to be a better husband or father. One thing they specifically ask is how to make the…
Tweet I have a standard leadership practice, which I repeat as often as possible. I don’t always give people an answer. I’ve been using it for many years – as…
I am asked dozens of questions about what we did or didn’t do as parents. I am amazed that God has allowed us to raise the two young men we have in our house, but there were a few principles we practiced consistently.
Here are three principles for parenting I think all parents should consider:
Tweet This is a tribute to the moms who have no children – of their own. I’ve posted this thought a number of times, because I’m always sensitive to the…