Tweet We are looking at the character of Joseph. In part 1, we consider Joseph’s ability to resist temptation. The Character of Joseph, Part 1 from ron edmondson on Vimeo.
Tweet If God gives you influence the enemy gives you attention! We shouldn’t be surprised when we see pastors and church leaders struggle. They are human – imperfect humans. I…
Tweet I am often asked how to knowhow to discern God’s will for our life. I’m not referring to which cereal to have for breakfast. For the most part I…
Tweet “The goal of our faith is not as much to change our circumstances… But, to trust our God even in the midst of the worst of circumstances. Here’s part…
Tweet There are many leaders I admire who have influenced my own leadership. I admire the teachings on leadership by guys like John Maxwell, Andy Stanley, and Patrick Lencioni. There…
Tweet Our series on Habakkuk seemed very timely for our culture. Habakkuk was a prophet unhappy with all he saw in his world – so he cried out to God….
You’ve heard silence is golden…and that’s true…
…but sometimes silence can also be deadly…
Especially in a team environment…organizational structure…relationship setting…
When working on a project, implementing change, planning for the future…
Tweet Even in the best restaurants – they still put napkins under a wobbly table. They just use nicer napkins. I was made aware of a wealthy family who took…
Tweet On a regular basis, I receive an email from a staff member of a church with the same question. They are in an awkward position where they don’t respect…
Tweet We don’t know a lot about Habakkuk, but we do know about the day in which he lived. It was a day where the world was increasingly growing darker….