Tweet How do you know when God is closing one door in ministry and opening another? I get this question a lot and have previously addressed it, but recently I…
Tweet How do you know when God is closing one door in ministry and opening another? I get this question a lot and have previously addressed it, but recently I…
Tweet I am often asked how to knowhow to discern God’s will for our life. I’m not referring to which cereal to have for breakfast. For the most part I…
Tweet “The goal of our faith is not as much to change our circumstances… But, to trust our God even in the midst of the worst of circumstances. Here’s part…
Tweet Are you struggling with a “word from God”? Do you feel there is something you need to do, but you aren’t quite certain about it yet? Do you wish…
Whatever you are holding on to tighter than your faith, I believe Jesus would say, “Pick up your mat and walk!” Trust Him with that in which you currently trust the most. Permit Him to see you through the difficult days of life. Allow Him to carry your burdens, strengthen your walk and brighten your hope for the future. He is still the Miracle Maker, and He can still heal a broken heart.
Tweet Are you struggling to understand faith? I have learned to understand faith I have to put it in terms of a relationship. When we speak of a Biblical faith,…
Tweet Most of us live our lives with some kind of fear. It is probably uncontrollable to a great extent. We live in a very fearful world. Every week seems…
Tweet This is the first in a 3 part series on prayer. We have recognized as a church – and I have personally – our great need for prayer. If…
Tweet Sometimes life throws curves at us that take the wind from our sail. If we aren’t careful we can allow the injury to haunt us for life; never regaining…
Tweet An Easter message applicable all year long. Easter – The Empty Tomb from ron edmondson on Vimeo.