Most churches admit they need more leaders. I have never met a pastor who would say they didn’t need more leaders, but I’ve met hundreds who are desperate for new leaders.
The Bible says to make disciples. That’s should be our goal for every believer in the church. But, the process of doing church requires leadership. Leaders leading the process of making disciples.
One way to grow a church is to expand the leadership base. And, one way to ensure a church doesn’t grow is to limit leadership development. In fact, if a church isn’t growing — one major reason may be they haven’t developed enough leaders. Without leadership progress stalls.
There are 4 primary reasons I’ve observed for churches that aren’t developing new leaders.
Pride – When current leadership doesn’t believe anyone coming along could do as good of a job as they are doing — they will cease to develop new leaders.
Selfishness – When current leadership doesn’t wish to share the power — they will cease to develop new leaders.
Lack of Intentionality – When current leadership doesn’t have a plan or system to develop new leaders — they will cease to develop new leaders.
Ignorance – When current leadership doesn’t know how to develop new leaders — they will cease to develop new leaders.
There are probably other reasons, but these are the four I see most often.
Is your church developing new leaders? How? If not, why not? Do any of these apply?
Reason #5; Jealousy. I was involved in a small church in which the pastor’s wife was resistant to any suggestions as to a new song, letting someone else help with various small chores, etc. She did not wish to lead in any way preferring to be left alone and leaving the women in the church distant to each other and unorganized. No women’s groups, studies or retreats…just Sunday services. I noticed how the women scattered after church and the lack of relationship within the church. I offered to begin a women’s study group as i have previous experience in leading women’s groups. As a newcomer I waited one year before asking and spoke with the pastor and his wife together. It was allowed, but the pastors wife wasn’t happy and she set the time, and how long it would last based on the days that she could be there. For one year a few women trickled in sporadically but few returned. It was heartbreaking. “Women’s prayer group” was mentioned in the bulletin but received no fanfare from the pulpit. How to combat jealousy soon became a sermon topic with the pastors wife refusing to speak to her husband after each sermon. I have come to realize first hand that the attitudes of the heart are swiftly felt by a congregation and a person in leadership cannot expect anything greater than what they bring to the table as an example. I continue to pray for our pastors wife, but have resigned the position as I have no support from the pastor or his wife and the women in the congregation avoid the meetings. It is a very lonely place to attend and a small congregation to begin with…which is preferred by leadership.
you did work very well. keep it up.