Tweet I was interviewed a few years ago for a leadership podcast. One of the questions took me by surprise. I have been interviewed for podcasts many times, so answers…
Tweet There are some common occurrences during times of change in an organization. If a leader doesn’t understand them the chance for a successful transition is diminished, people remain frustrated,…
Tweet We have to be very careful with progress. Progress can be a fun. Most leaders want to see progress. Most people do also. But, as much as we may…
Tweet There is a day every leader has to face, even though no leader necessarily wants to face it. I have walked through this day with dozens of leaders over…
Tweet Where life involves people – whether among family, friends or co-workers – there will be potential for conflict. Any disagreement there? Want to fight about it? 🙂 In fact,…
Tweet I’ve made a lot of mistakes in leadership. One of the primary purposes of this blog is to help others learn from my experience. So, I want to share…
Tweet One signature of my ministry, as a pastor, has been how approachable I appear on Sunday. I’m not saying that to brag. You need to keep reading before you…
Tweet I love pastors. I’m not saying that because I am one. I haven’t always been. I was in secular leadership far longer than I’ve been in ministry leadership. I…
Tweet It seems every week a church contacts me to ask advice about church revitalization. I also frequently hear from pastors who are considering stepping into a role in church…
Jesus taught His disciples how to build the church. The chief goal would be to love people no one else loved, even when they were not very lovely. We have tried to plant a church with that philosophy. Along the way we have discovered what Jesus learned in working with religious leaders in His day. (See Matthew 16:5-12) When you reach genuine hurting people, the complainers will rise up, mostly among the most religious of people, and when these type people talk, their negative energy (yeast) spreads fast.