Tweet No leader sets out to frustrate their team. Yet, chances are we do it everyday. Or, at least we do it often. We are human. Every leader makes mistakes…
Tweet No leader sets out to frustrate their team. Yet, chances are we do it everyday. Or, at least we do it often. We are human. Every leader makes mistakes…
Tweet How do you know when it’s time to quit? I have never been described as a quitter, but there comes a time for all of us when we have…
Tweet I have held a senior leadership position for over 25 years and been in leadership almost 40 years. In this post, I want to express some things I’ve observed…
Frankly, finding that balance has always been difficult for me, and at times in the life of the organization, one area does require greater attention than other areas. The key for me is to always keep the big picture in my mind of what we are trying to accomplish, while recognizing the individual contribution, each area needs to bring to that success. I can never allow one area to cloud out my perspective of the other areas.
Tweet An important leadership principle was shaped for me during what seemed to be a normal season in our organization. We were experiencing fast growth, but, thankfully, that was normal…
I have written all week about team idleness. Check out more of the posts on the main blog. I thought it was equally important to share some thoughts about what makes up a healthy team. Obviously that is our goal. Here are some quick elements of healthy teams:
Tweet In the business world and in the church, I’ve learned having a good team makes the difference in how well we do at reaching our objectives. And there are…
What tips do you have to make sure a project is completed successfully?
Tweet The Challenge for me as a senior leader is to regularly communicate the big picture vision I have in my head. Of course, the idea behind those cute, well-worded…
Tweet Do you want to attract a leader to your team? Do you want to keep the leaders you have? One thing I learned soon in church revitalization, which I…