I remember reading once that the can opener came almost 50 years after the tin can.
Wow, had you ever read that?
I remember reading once that the can opener came almost 50 years after the tin can.
Wow, had you ever read that?
Tweet A rapidly changing work culture takes creative, innovative and adaptable leaders. It seems we are always learning something new. Leaders must learn to stretch ourselves as the demands upon…
Tweet How do you get your boss to notice you? I once was asked a genuine question by a young man entering a new job as an entry-level leader. He…
Tweet I hear from leaders weekly who want to get better in their role. They want to improve so the organization they lead can improve. I believe if the desire…
Tweet In yesterday’s post I shared some paradigms needed for church growth. Today I’ll take an opposite approach and share ways to stop a church from growing. I was once…
Tweet Sometimes change is more difficult to lead than other times. This is where leadership is tested most, tensions mount and people are more likely to object. In my experience,…
Tweet Any leader attempting change needs to understand is the emotions of change. You cannot lead successfully if you do not understand every change has an emotion. Plus, if you…
Tweet I was meeting with a successful entrepreneur when he said something which caused me to further reflect. Every team needs both protectors and advancers. (Side note: These kind of…
Here’s a way to discipline yourself to increase creativity on your team or in your organization…especially during times when money is tight.
When you are ready to make a purchase, ask yourself this question:
Tweet I am frequently asked how I am able to get so much done and still take care of myself and my family. By some standards I would be consider…