Tweet I saw this little tree while I was running in our local arboretum this fall. It made me stop and take a picture. It also made me think. You…
Tweet Some are new…some are reminders I’m seeing lived out… The most mature is often not the one with the most knowledge of Scripture but the one who has learned…
Tweet Leadership is never easy. To lead well requires unique abilities. Here are 7: Ability to stand alone – You don’t have to always stand alone as a leader. In…
Tweet A pastor friend, Robby Gallaty, releases a new book this month on making disciples. I’m impressed with Robby’s story and want you to know about his work. Here’s a…
Tweet If I were starting a blog today…I’d do things differently than when I started this one. I’d be offline for at least 30 days. Maybe longer. If I had…
Tweet …Trust the one to whom you delegate. I hear from leaders continually who say they don’t delegate, because they don’t trust that the work will be done to their…
Tweet “I’m telling you stuff I wouldn’t tell anyone else. I would appreciate you not sharing it. I’m not one to spread rumors.” That was from the guy behind Cheryl…
Tweet On my recent post “How a blog post becomes reality…” I shared ways I’m able to blog almost daily and keep bringing new topics to the blog. One of…
Tweet Here’s a secret about my life you may not know. Some of the most productive activities in my life can seem non-productive. When I consider the fullness of my…
Tweet I’ve seen it many times. The leader at the helm of a sinking ship. It’s almost historically comical it it wasn’t such a serious issue. Everyone around the leader…