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Jeremiah 18, Part 8

By Devotional, Encouragement, Faith, God

Consider your life for just a moment. How compliant are you to the will of God for your life? Are you willing to follow God wherever He may lead? What if following God involves extreme sacrifice, which it most often will require you to do? Will you follow God then? If doing God’s will involves a total surrender of your life to Him will you still do His will?

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Jeremiah 18, Part 6

By Christians, Devotional, Faith, God

I know that is confusing, so let me illustrate it like this. If you were to leave my house in Tennessee and head to my mother’s family in Kansas, there are several routes you could take to get there. Ultimately one route is probably best, but you could get there from several directions. In accomplishing God’s end goal for our life, God sometimes allows different courses of reaching that end goal. God will even allow us to take turns that are not really His best plan for us. In that way, God has allowed His plan to be altered, but the overall end plan remains the same.

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Jeremiah 18, Part 4

By Devotional, Encouragement, Faith, God

God may do the same with your life. God may have extreme changes in mind for your life. You may be in the midst of that process of change now. He may take away your health, break a relationship, change your career, but He will do whatever it takes to further shape you into Christ’s image and the plans He has for you.

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Jeremiah 18, Part 2

By Christians, Devotional, Encouragement, Faith, God, Prayer

God wanted to speak to Jeremiah and He was going to use pottery as a part of His discussion. Sometimes God will use situations in our life to gain our attention and illustrate for us His agenda. You and I, if we want to hear from God, must continually rid our lives of distractions, strive to walk in obedience with Him daily, free our life of unneeded clutter, slow down long enough to listen for the voice of God, and watch and listen for God’s voice in the midst of the normal routine and places of life.

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Jeremiah 18, Part 1

By Devotional, God

In my Christian life there have only been a few times where I could clearly say “I heard a word from God.” Don’t get me wrong, I feel God’s leading on a consistent basis through His Word, he guidance of the Holy Spirit, and through other followers of Christ, but for God to directly speak to me about something in specific terms is a rare occurrence. It’s a very humbling and welcome experience, but it certainly doesn’t happen everyday.

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God Is the Master Delegator

By Church Planting, Devotional, God, Innovation, Leadership

Consider Adam’s story. God created everything; the land and water, plants and animals, and then God permitted Adam to name things. (Genesis 2:19-20) God delegated the responsibility of naming the animals He had created. Surely if God can design and create the intricacies of the human body He could come up with a more creative name than black bear, yet God gave that job to Adam. Something else I find amazing is that it seems that it was while working through the process of naming the animals that the discovery was made of Adam’s deficiency without Eve. (Vs. 20)

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Trying To Understand The Ways of God

By Devotional, Encouragement, Faith, Fear, God

Have you ever had something in your life that you just couldn’t figure out? I know I have. There have been some situations, which have occurred to me personally or people I love that left me asking God “why”. I have witnessed friends go through trials that seemed at the time beyond God’s repair (they really weren’t) and I kept wondering how God could possibly “work all things for good”.

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