Most businesses are being forced to think through and add a social media policy to their human resource policies. The rise of Facebook, Twitter and other social networking choices means the workplace is being impacted greatly by social media. Individuals represent their organization even during their personal time and that needs to be considered in employee management.
I had a great conversation with one of our original core members this morning as he stopped in to say hello. We were reminiscing about the first four years at Grace Community Church. Our anniversary is in September. God has continued to amaze us with His presence. Last Sunday we had a 43% increase in attendance over the same day in July last year. Wow!
Thanks to Southwest Airline’s Spirit Magazine we have the list. I saw it in their July 2009 edition. (Their source was a survey from Below is a listing of the movie, the wrong line people most often say, and the correct line from the movie.
I have pages of random observations from my time in Lithuania. I thought I would share them with you randomly. These are my opinions and these notes come right form my personal notes as I made observations while in the country and from conversations with Lithuanians. In the coming weeks I will unpack some of them more.
Yesterday, as I was preparing to leave a foreign country to return home after almost two weeks away from the United States, I posted a quick entry called 10 Reasons I Love the USA. A comment to my earlier post convicted me that I needed another post. I often write tongue-in-cheek satire posts that are a reflection of some of the random thoughts that go through my mind at times. This post was one such entry.
My blog friend Scott Williams has a creatively done and entertaining post/tribute on Michael Jackson. What would Michael Jackson Tweet if he Twittered?
Quick question: What has happened to general common courtesies?
I am in Lithuania right now on a mission trip. This country for the most part was cut off from Western civilization for the many years of Soviet occupation/Communism. In the first few days we have been here I have heard numerous accounts of how sterile an environment the country was during those years. Apparently, however, one part of the Western world managed to find it’s way through to this culture. His name is Michael Jackson.
Perhaps the biggest culture shaper in Lithuania is the fact that for years they were under Communist rule and have only recently had the freedom to do the things they do today, such as travel, enjoy other cultures, explore the latest trends and fashions, participate in capitalism, go to church, etc. Giving someone freedom can have all kinds of crazy reactions, which we are seeing constantly, but I suspect we started to see the results on the plane ride here. Rule followers need to beware; here are a few highlights I thought were interesting from our trip here:
Just an average guy with a dream…
(Of course, he followed his dream and is no longer average.)