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Scripture Memorization, Week 7

By Culture, Encouragement

How are you doing with the Scripture memorization? Are you still participating?

I love hearing from those who are sticking with it, trying hard, and even the ones who just can’t keep up with the weekly pace. I understand. Some years are better than others at spiritual disciplines. I hope, however, that you’ll keep trying. It’s still not too late to catch up if you need to, as I’ve tried to keep the verses…at this point in the year…fairly simple to memorize.

Again, writing them down somewhere you will see throughout the week is a key. Some write them on mirrors, a few have made them their laptop or smart phone backdrop for the week, and others have them on their refrigerator. Whatever it takes!

Here’s this week’s memory verse…

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Friday Discussion: Is Social Media a Blessing or a Curse?

By Culture, Innovation

There’s a consistent debate about the role of social media in our lives today.

There’s no doubt that I’ve embraced the cultural shift of socail media, but because of it, I received criticism for not doing other things. I’ve been online doing ministry for over 16 years and have developed good systems that allow me to do much online efficiently, but I knew it was “catching on” when my mother got on Facebook. Still, it does take time and, with limited time for all of us, that time has to take away from something else.

I’ve heard people say it would have been better for the family had the television never been invented. I’ve heard the debates on social media also. Some feel we shouldn’t be doing it all at all. I wonder wgat the same people would say of social media.

More importantly, I’m wondering today what you will say.

Let’s discuss the role of social media. Consider these questions, then add your thoughts in a comment.

Should the church be involved in social media?
Does social media help or hurt a relationship?
Are Facebook or Twitter beneficial to a relationship or is a distraction in building true friendships?
In a perfect world, would we have social media?
Does it add to or take away from the quality of our lives?
Is it an unavoidable evil or a blessing for us all?
Be honest!

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A Weather Reminder…About Life

By Culture, Devotional, Encouragement, Faith, Fear

This has been a wild winter…

“They” say it’s not our worst…not even close…but it certainly has seemed to be more intense than usual this year…

Every morning I look at my Google Home Page and see the current and future weather forecast. Seeing the 4 degrees this morning caused my initial reaction to be “Wow!” I was bummed. I’m ready to get outside. It could have affected my mood for the day (probably will to some extent), but then I looked a little further into the weather future forecast. Do you see that number? 54! Fifty-Four degrees! My thought was “Yippee!” If I can hang on a few days, it’s about to get wonderful outside!

I wonder how many times we do that in life. That weather picture could also serve as a picture of our life at times. Some days it’s cold and dreary…other days it’s bright and sunny. We struggle during the rough weather seasons, forgetting that this day will change. When we only look at our current situation, we can be disheartened, but a new day is coming! As believers, we have the promise of a greater future. If not today, or tomorrow, soon and very soon! I’m reminded of a couple favorite verses of truth.

However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him— 1 Corinthians 2:9

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18

Do you need that reminder today? Take your eyes off today and look a little further down the road. Good days are coming. If you’re in difficult days, I’m praying God brings better days soon, but He has promised that the best days are yet to come!

Let me hear from you…

Are you currently living in a 4 degree time of life…or is it 54 and sunny in your world during this season of your life?

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3 Song Lyrics that have Proven True

By Culture, Encouragement, Funny

The older I get, the more I reflect on the past. Is that part of the aging process?

Recently I heard a song that was popular when I was young. I don’t know all the words to the song, so I’m not talking about the meaning of the song necessarily, but there was a line in the song that resonated with me. The song lyric has become more than a catchy tune…it’s proven to have some insight into my life. I’m sure this is true of many secular songs.

Here are three that quickly come to mind:

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How Happy Are You In Life? (A Survey)

By Culture, Funny

How happy are you in life?

I’ve shared things I read in Southwest Air’s Spirit Magazine before and recently I saw “The I Exam”. First listed in Pyschology Today, it’s a questionnaire designed to help determine how happy we are in life. While I am not sure we can measure true happiness in an 8 question survey, I thought this was interesting and worth sharing to fuel thoughts and discussion.

Here is the I Exam:

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The Inner Resolve to Overcome: Lesson from this week in Chicago

By Culture, Encouragement, Faith, Fear, Life Plan, Vision

I’ve been amazed this week at the resolve of the people of Chicago. Reportedly this week saw the worst snow storm since 1967. I’ve not been through a blizzard before, so this was an experience. You can read why I’m here in THIS POST.

What amazes me is how the people responded so quickly. Even before the storm hit, people were taking precautions, but during and after the storm, people spread salt, shoveled snow, pitched in to help one another, and quickly got back to normal. Many places were closed early Wednesday, hours after the snow ended, but many were open by the afternoon. By Thursday everyone was seemingly back to normal. There’s still a lot of snow on the group, you have to be careful where you walk, but people have gone about their business…in spite of the largest snow the average Chicagoan has ever seen.


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Friday Discussion: Where Do You Belong?

By Culture

Today for Friday discussion, I want to talk about belonging….

To belong means: to have the proper qualifications, especially social qualifications, to be a member of a group; be suitable or acceptable…

This could be a difficult subject for some…not because the questions I’m going to ask are necessarily difficult questions…but because the answers could hurt…cause pain…

I believe, however, that there is an inner need in each of us feel that we belong someowhere. Until we find a place where we feel welcomed by others…a place where we feel loved, accepted, and secure in our relationship, we will continue to search.

Chip Ingram said recently that the reasons for a joining a country club or a gang are the same…we are all searching for a place to belong.

So, today, would you dialogue with me and other readers.

Here are the questions to consider:

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The Danger of Living in a Moment

By Change, Culture, Encouragement, Innovation

The current thought process for most of us these days is about what’s new…

It’s important to be current…which means often we are making decisions quicker…

It makes the word “moment” more important than ever…

We all want to live in the moment as much as possible, and culture is demanding it these days…

I want to join the party, but I’m reminded of an important principle…

Living in the moment can be dangerous…

It’s great in theory, but some moments can get you off track…


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This Week in Chicago: Bible, Blizzard and Son

By Culture, Uncategorized

I’m in Chicago this week. What a week to come to Moody Founder’s Week! I’ve been numerous times before, but this is a unique week.

Each service is different than what I experience each Sunday now, serving in a more contemporary setting, but I love the Bible teaching and even the traditional worship. This conference is especially appealing to me these days, because I have a son who attends Moody Bible College. Nate is a sophomore here and studying to be a pastor. I love attending the events this week with him.

This week is unusual also, because

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