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Call to Ministry

A Much Needed Encouragement for the Pastor

By Call to Ministry, Church, Church Planting, Encouragement

It’s Monday morning…

I have spoken with many pastors who share a common struggle with each other. If it was a good Sunday…one where God’s Spirit was at work…during the 24-hour period from Sunday noon and Monday noon…they face doubt and frustration.

Yesterday was one of those days for me. I know I was speaking truth. I know God was working, but I was teaching on marriage to many who are undergoing tough times in their marriage. It was hard and I felt as though I was adding insult to injury to many. I left feeling down and allowing the enemy to discourage me.

I am blessed to have several in our church sensitive to this issue…or sensitive to God’s Spirit in their own life. Yesterday afternoon I received this email from someone in our church:

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A Week of Thanksgiving – People Who Helped You Professionally

By Call to Ministry, Church, Church Planting, Encouragement, Leadership

Thanksgiving should be more than a day.

In the United States, we set aside one day a year to ceremonially show our appreciation for all we have been given. No one would disagree that this practice shouldn’t be limited to just once day. With that in mind, I thought I’d use part of my blog this week to share a little gratitude. Throughout this week I’ll be sharing some things and people I’m thankful for in my life.

Today I want to talk about people who have had a huge impact on me professionally. I’m a pastor now. I haven’t always been one. I was in the business world for many years before God called me into ministry. When I think of the process God used to prepare me for ministry, three men immediately come to mind. There are many people along the way who have helped me, but these three made significant investments in my spiritual maturity and preparation for ministry.

Here are three people who helped me be where I am today professionally:

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Could God Be Stirring Something New in Your Heart?

By Call to Ministry, Church, Encouragement, Missions


I talk to people every week who are struggling in their current ministry assignment. Sometimes ministry produces a mindset that what you are doing now you’ll always be doing or that you are somehow less than holy if you are considering other opportunities. I don’t know that that feeling can always be supported Scripturally.

God never promised everything would be the same. In fact, God seems to like change as I follow Him. Consider the amount of movement in the Apostle Paul’s ministry. He seemed to experience a great deal of change. If you are experiencing burnout, frustration, and even a little restlessness, could God be shaping you for something else?

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Pray and Work: Encouragement During Difficult Days of Ministry

By Call to Ministry, Church, Church Planting, Encouragement, Leadership

I was encouraged recently reading the story of Jehu in 2 Kings 9. Jehu was anointed king over Israel. At first glance, that sounds like a glamorous position, but when we read the entire story we find that before Jehu could rule his kingdom, he had to first battle to do so. (I think King David had a similar difficult experience prior to becoming king.)

I shared in an earlier post about Nehemiah. In Nehemiah 4:9 we read that while Nehemiah prayed asking God to protect the work he was doing, he also did what he knew to do….he posted guards to keep watch over their work.

Those two passages, and others throughout the Bible of men and women who responded to God’s call, remind me that God’s will for my life isn’t simply to wait for Him to deliver me. Often God’s will includes hard days of waiting for His plan to be revealed. The fact that ministry is difficult at times, doesn’t imply that I am not in the center of God’s will for my life. The opposite may be truer.

You may have been anointed for the job you’ve been given, but we should never assume that because God asked us to do the task that completing it will be easy. Part of our calling is often to find the faith to keep moving forward, even when the obstacles seem insurmountable.

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