Here’s a quick tip I’ve had to use many times in life when I lack the courage I need as a leader. When it is time to make the hard choices – and do the things I know I needed to do, but I’m scared to do them I’ve learned a way forward.
I can never seem to manipulate courage, so –
When I lack courage as a leader, I renew my passion for the thing which I need to do.
It might sound like a simplistic approach, and maybe even a play on words. Really it’s really taking a bigger picture approach to the challenge ahead.
Here’s what happens – when the vision is clearly before me I am more willing to wade through the difficulties and obstacles to get there.
Dave Ramsey says, “If you want to get out of debt you have to get angry enough to do something about it..” (Paraphrase)
I’m suggesting the same idea here.
Emotions fuel courage, so when I lack courage as a leader, I want to fuel better emotions.
If you grow your passion for whatever needs doing you’ll naturally grow your courage.
As an example, if you need to address a difficult employee situation, but don’t lack the courage as a leader – fall more in love with the health of the organization and the effectiveness in realizing the vision. You’ll likely find courage to have the hard conversation.
If you are a pastor leading the church and the change needed seems overwhelming. If you seem to have more critics than you have partners, remember why God called you to the church. Reflect on the vision of the church. Concentrate on why God called you into ministry.
You take risks to achieve those things for which you are most passionate.
Have you ever witnessed the most gentle, even quite mother when she feels her child is in danger? Talk about courage! For most of us, if our child was in danger, we would find the courage to save him or her, regardless of the risks involved.
The more in love with what we hope to accomplish we are the more we will find the courage we lack as a leader.
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