Merry Christmas!
It has been a great year for the Edmondson’s.
We spent our first full year in our downtown condo. We love it. When weather and schedules cooperate, we walk downtown at night and through the campus of Austin Peay State University (our Alma mater and the fastest growing university in our state). We even dine on campus some nights. You can’t beat $14 for all you can eat for two of us! We love sitting on our front porch, which overlooks the river walk. At Christmas time, we can see the lights and hear the music. It’s been a great change of pace for these new empty-nesters.
Did I mention I haven’t mowed a lawn in over a year?
Jeremy and Mary had a beach wedding in May. It was a beautiful day surrounded by close friends and immediate family. It was the most special wedding I’ve ever performed. The happy couple…they really are very happy together…live in downtown Nashville, where they, too, overlook the river, as well as Titans stadium. Jeremy has proven to be a hard worker and is doing well in his new career in marketing and social media. Jeremy and Mary love Pete Wilson‘s Cross Point Church in Nashville and are active in their community group.
Nate has a year left at Moody Bible Institute. He will graduate a semester early next December and then plans to attend seminary. We are exploring those options now. Nate spent the summer studying with Moody in Europe. He experienced Germany, Italy and Switzerland and made memories that will last a lifetime. He is blessed to work with Jarrett and Jeanne Stevens at Soul City Church in Chicago, where they have given him multiple opportunities to serve. Nate did the music and production for a Christmas album this year. It’s free. I wrote about it HERE.
It’s a blessing to know your children continue to love the body of Christ and remain active in church when they leave home. I’m thankful for those who are investing in them.
Cheryl and I remain extremely busy in ministry and life. We joke that we truly live an “abundant” life. We aren’t still long, but God is giving us incredible opportunities for Kingdom-influence during this season. This year our ministry opportunities have grown within Grace and beyond. We do not want to waste a minute of what God wants to do with our life!
This Christmas, I realize I’m blessed far beyond what I deserve. I’m happily married to my best friend, we have children who honor Christ with their life, and we have enough material things that we have plenty to share with others. This has been a good year.
There have been years it was harder to write those words, but I’m just old enough to know, whether good seasons or bad, God is in control, He has a plan, and all things truly do work for an ultimate good.
Twitter: tijuanabecky
Sounds like you guys have had a great year, enjoyed reading about it. Merry Christmas!
Thanks Becky
"Your are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." (Matthew 5:14)
As we celebrate Christ's birth, let us embrace His light – in our relationships, in our work, in our leisure time. So let our lights shine!
Ron! Wishing you and your loved ones joy, peace and contentment this Christmas and for the year ahead.
You too Uma. Love that verse!
What an awesome year you had. I'm envious of you since you haven't mowed a lawn in a year! I'm dealing with moles in mine right now! Merry Christmas Pastor Ron.
Merry Christmas Laurinda. Yes, it's a blessing to be maintenance free!
Twitter: bryankr
Merry Christmas to you and your family! I love the part about not mowing, that’s got to be one of the most rewarding parts of a Condo! LOL!
You too. God bless