A Life Transition for The Edmondsons
I recently resigned my position as CEO of Leadership Network. Although my tenure is much shorter than I had anticipated when I arrived almost 18 months ago, I feel it has been a productive time for me and the organization. Leadership Network has a long, great history of helping the Church accelerate growth and innovation. I spent my time restructuring the organization and the team; hopefully positioning it for the future. At times it felt as though I was back in church revitalization.
As our new leadership team began to plan for 2020, I saw my role shifting from one of building something new to more maintaining and managing. In addition, development would become even more important in my role. Those who know me know I am not a good manager and fundraising doesn’t excite me. Plus, I had less “hands on” time with pastors and the local church than I anticipated the position affording me.
At 55 years old, I am wise enough to know that life is short, and time is precious. Wisdom and experience tell me these should be some of my most productive years. I want to use them doing something that fuels me every day. Likewise, in fairness, Leadership Network needs someone leading who is fully engaged at what the position requires of them.
This was not a quick decision. It was a matter of several months of prayer and discussion and gaining counsel from a few wise friends. Cheryl and I used a recent trip to Israel as a deciding time to confirm this was the right decision for us and the organization.
What’s Next
Todd Wilson, with Exponential, once advised me that I’m a “5 chip guy”. He said I must be doing multiple things to feel fulfilled. I probably should have listened closer to him then.
Currently, unless God intervenes, after the sale of our home, we plan to move to the Nashville area where we have family and friends. This move alone excites us. We lived in the area until seven and a half years ago and have lots of community there. I will launch my own ministry serving churches and organizations in the role of consulting, writing, speaking, and preaching. Several churches have entertained the idea of me doing some intentional interim work. I’ve been doing online ministry since “dial up” days in the mid 90’s. Look for more of this in the future.
Let me share a few broad thoughts and then I’ll unpack more of this in the days to come.
I may be somewhat unique in that I have successful experience in both church revitalization and church planting. It fuels me to help churches (and organizations) figure out how to start, re-start and scale. I think my experience can help with a broad range of leadership issues.
One area I am particularly interested in helping churches think through is what I’m calling Impressions. The whole guest relations area was a pet peeve of mine as a pastor. We weren’t perfect, but we were extremely intentional in thinking through how we considered visitors from the moment they Googled “church” to how we followed up with them once they came.
After 18 months of visiting lots of different churches, I realize how poorly many churches do in this critical area – at a time when church visitors are harder to come by than ever before. I’d love to help churches think through and improve this ministry in their context.
I wrote a post talking more about this HERE.
Adjunct staff member
Would it be of value to you if you could add some “strategic thinking” capacity to your staff team for a day or two – maybe once or maybe once a month for a year? Again, I love brainstorming and thinking through next steps. Whether it is figuring out staffing structure, organizational culture, or strategies for growth, if you’ve got a problem and need an experienced voice in the room, I’m here to help.
I’m open for opportunities to guest preach at your church. Also, as invited, I will continue to speak at conferences and workshops.
I have already agreed to one opportunity. For those of you who pastor, but never had the time (or inclination) to go to seminary, I will be working with Ed Stetzer at the Wheaton Grad School to teach two special cohorts, one for pastors of churches running 1000-2000, and another for pastors of churches over 2000. Stetzer is the dean and has developed these cohorts. (Matt Chandler is in one and he talked about it here.)
The program is not only practical, but also fosters the holistic development of spiritual maturity, theological integration, and skilled leadership. I’m thrilled to be able to be a guest lecturer in the program. The cohort model allows leaders of similar size / stage churches to learn from one another, network, and is always a time of encouragement. In addition to the Wheaton faculty, Will Mancini will also be involved. Since these are for established church leaders, we will meet 1-2 times per year for the week-long classes and the remainder of the courses will be done online with the cohort. If you’d like to participate in this cohort, go to www.wheaton.edu/mml or email [email protected] for more information. We’re taking around 20 students, so inquire soon if you’re interested.
Online offerings
I have provided content to pastors and other leaders through my blog, devotionals, and other resources since my first devotional site launched in the mid 90’s. There is more I can offer here, including some online coaching opportunities. Stay tuned.
A Walk of Faith
Over 17 years ago, when I surrendered to leaving the business world and entering vocational ministry, Cheryl and I both agreed we would always be willing to walk by faith. Cheryl asked recently, “Is it okay to be 100% at peace and still be a little afraid?“ Of course it is. This is a move of faith. I always taught our churches that when we know what God would have us do the time to obey is now. God will handle the details.
Please pray for our house to sell. We would also appreciate prayers for the right opportunities to come about and be made clear.
I’m filling my first quarter calendar. If your church or organization needs my help, please email me now ([email protected]) and let’s start talking.
Inspired by this post Ron. I am currently in transition after working in a variety of positions within and without the local church. I’m doing some consulting work right now as I seek the Lord for the next step in the journey. It’s always an adventure!
Thank you, John. Following Christ truly is the abundant life. I’ll trade you a prayer.
Truleen and I are so thrilled that you both will now be much closer to Lexington and hopefully our activities at Immanuel. You both are in our prayers for magnificent results that we know will occur for you both.
Thank you so much, Larry and Truleen. You two are a blessing to any pastor.
We’ll be glad to have you back in the Nashville area! Let me buy you lunch when you get to town!
How exciting! May God bless you and Cheryl as you move through this process.
Thank you so much!
We’ll be glad to have you back in the Nashville area! Let me buy you lunch when you get to town!
Look forward to it, Neal.
I believe God his hand on your lives and future Ron. I am sure He will use you and all your “lessons” to further His work. Stay current though as a blogger please. I look forward to seeing your new perspective develop.
Yes, thank you. I’m definitely going to step up the blog presence. Appreciate you!