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10 Life Principles I Have Learned From Experience

By February 19, 2010August 11th, 2011Change, Funny, Life Plan

The older I get (and that’s happening faster it seems that it once did) the more I’m beginning to assess my life and what the experiences of life have taught me. On my laptop I keep a file where I simply type principles/ideas/nuggets of wisdom as they occur to me. Sometimes these originate as a Twitter post, sometimes they are a line from a Sunday message, but often they just go in this file. I figure when there are 10 of them, it is time for another blog post… (I have written similar posts before, such as HERE)

So, with that explanation, here are 10 life principles I have learned from experience:

  • Having wisdom doesn’t mean you made all the right choices…it just means you learned from the choices you made…
  • Just because your momma laughs, doesn’t mean it’s funny…
  • Never waste an idea…always have something nearby to write it down…
  • You can’t ignore one life principle trying to live another…
  • This sweater may be old and ugly now, but one day everyone will want one just like it…
  • Often one’s perception is determined by his or her experiences…good or bad…
  • You can have tons of “friends” until there is trouble in your life…then you’ll have some real friends…
  • Big dreams rarely make it past our mind unless someone risks the chance that they could fail…
  • The little things we do often have more value than the big things.
  • Character is shaped by how we respond to life’s difficulties and life’s victories.

Do any of these apply to your life?

Have you learned any of these principles from experience?

Which of these do you need to learn?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

More posts by Ron Edmondson

Join the discussion 11 Comments

  • Jeremy says:

    Very nice post. Keeping your ideas documented in a retrievable way is so vital. God gave me a message one time and I neglected to write it down. Later, I was trying to remember what it was. When I was unable to remember the message I asked God to help me. He responded by telling me I didn't honor His message enough to write it down, so He didn't see why it was important enough to remind me. Very tough lesson, but it changed the way I documented revelation from God.

  • patriciazell says:

    My favorite is #8 the Big Dream! Way long ago, before I began working on writing, I was a talker, but not a doer. Writing changed that for me. I am amazed at the things that I have tried–from taking a teaching job for which I was not qualified to writing my book online. My philosophy has become that if I don't succeed with my big dreams, it won't be because I did not do my part and try with everything I can!

  • @joshuawsims says:

    I learned a long time ago that if you spend 5 extra minutes doing something the right way, you will not be disappointed, and almost always certain to work harder than the guy beside you. I learned that about 3 days into college and graduated with honors and multiple grad school opportunities. So . . . in a nut shell, take the time to do everything with excellence.

  • Eldon Kelley says:

    "Just because your mama laughs doesn't mean it's funny." My life should be changed by this. I doubt it, but it should. LOL

    I like the fact that you call them principles. Too often stuff like this just ends up on bumper stickers (or Twitter now days) and that is the extent of it. The biggest battle is moving it from head to heart. Just like the biblical principles that we read.

    Thanks Ron for your thoughts and teachings! They are encouraging.

    • ronedmondson says:

      Thanks for your comment. It helps to know people are reading. I agree, until a principle connects with the heart it remains just a principle…and not a practice…

      • clara says:

        sono d accordo la testa deve collegarsi col cuore per diventare azione….grazie dall'Italia!!!!!clara